Verek (Savage Kings MC - South Carolina #3) - Lane Hart Page 0,61

when Tessa tells him my last name. “Should we send him up, or do you want to decline such a late visit tonight?”

“I’ll break all four of your legs if you don’t move out of my goddamn way,” I warn them through clenched teeth, biting down hard into my gum. My patience today has been all used up while Tessa was out on a date with her fiancé. Former fiancé.

“Okay, thanks,” Lucas says into the phone before telling me with a smug grin, “You can go on up.”

“Damn right I can.”

“Hey, you’re the one who insisted that we ask her permission before letting any male, female, young, or old up to her apartment,” Lucas reminds me.

“I’m an exception to that rule,” I tell him.

“Eh, you may think so, but I still think it’s best to check with Miss Singleton in case she changes her mind and decides she doesn’t want to see you,” Jake says before he finally steps aside for me to walk past them.

“Fat chance!” I tell the prospects, flipping them off with both of my middle fingers as I hurry inside, taking the steps instead of waiting for the elevator to go up one floor.

I can’t imagine Tessa is happy about being alone in her apartment, although I know she would be uncomfortable if I had asked Lucas or Jake to stay with her until I got back.

When I get to her floor, Tessa’s apartment door is already open as she stands just inside of it with Lola, looking like home sweet home. She’s in another pair of flannel pajamas, this time fluffy white ones with pink ice cream cones.

“Hey,” I say, out of breath because I’m so relieved to see her, not from the jog up the stairs.

“Hey,” she replies.

“How was your day?” I ask.

“Good. Fine,” Tessa says with a smile. Oh, how I wish she had said horrible.

“So you’re going to see him again tomorrow?” I guess.

“We’re going to lunch and maybe a movie,” she agrees with a nod.


“You could come too…” she offers.

“I’m sure Paul would love that,” I mutter.

“Yeah, probably not,” Tessa replies. “Although he did say he’s okay with you staying here at night.”

“He did?” I say in surprise.

“Yep. I told him what we did last night.” Her cheeks instantly redden before she adds, “Not in detail, just that we kissed and did other things.”

“How did he take that?” I ask.

“Better than expected. He said he understands that we’re not together and haven’t been for a while, so he isn’t going to try and ask me to stop seeing you.”

“Would you if he asked?” I question her.

“No,” Tessa says without hesitation, then glances down at her fidgeting fingers in front of her. “But if you asked me not to see him again, I wouldn’t.”

I start to say the words, to tell her to send the prick packing. Instead, though, I say, “I just want you to do whatever makes you happy.”

“I appreciate that,” she says. “So, are you coming in or not?”

“I’ve got a change of clothes if you want me to stay again tonight,” I remark as I give the bag on my shoulder a pat, rather than just crashing on her sofa without asking like I did last night.

“Yes, I would like for you to stay again,” Tessa thankfully agrees.

“Good,” I reply. “Because this hallway doesn’t look very comfortable.”

“No, it doesn’t,” she says with a grin before taking a step back to let me pass. “Well, come in and I’ll tell you about my day, even though I’m guessing you already know after half a dozen calls to the prospects.”

“You’re lucky I didn’t lurk around the pier with my binoculars,” I say as I go inside. Dropping my duffle bag by the sofa, I take a seat and add, “That was my first idea.”

“There was no reason for you to worry,” Tessa says when she sits down next to me, one leg folded under the other. “We just fished and talked a little, then had dinner in one of the pier restaurants. It was nice catching up.”

“Sure, yeah. Did you kiss him?” I ask.


“Hold hands?”

“Nope,” she answers. “We kept to a strict, three-feet distance the entire day.”

“I missed you,” I tell her honestly.

“I missed you too,” Tessa says, reaching over to stroke my arm and lay her head on my shoulder. “And I’m tired. It’s been a long time since I went out the entire day.”

“That’s good that you’re getting out. Although, I wish it had been with me and Copyright 2016 - 2024