Verek (Savage Kings MC - South Carolina #3) - Lane Hart Page 0,29

anything, he did you all a favor! I’m not worth ten men spending life in prison for my vengeance.”

Cannon looks between me and her several times before he responds to that. “We thought you were worth it. All of us, especially Roman…and I guess, especially Verek. He’s going to blow a fucking gasket if he has to be in the same room as you. Verek, man, I’m just not sure the guys will want you back at the table anytime soon.”

“I’m not asking to come back right now,” I assure him. “I can give Roman some time to calm down. However long it takes.”

“What do you mean?” Tessa asks. “Where are you going?”

“I’m thinking about going Nomad, or just taking a step back from the MC until all this blows over,” I explain to her and Cannon. “Would you be on board with that?” I ask him.

“If you leave, you can’t come back, not until Conrad and I think Roman is ready to forgive you.”

“You can’t ask him to do that.” Tessa exclaims. “That could take years.”

“Then, Verek will have to wait years, won’t he?” Cannon responds.

“It’s fine, sweetheart,” I assure her. “It could be just weeks or a few months.”

“Or a decade,” Cannon mutters, but I choose to ignore him.

“Leaving for now is better than being voted out. You know that, right?” I ask Tessa.

“There must be another option!” she huffs.

“There’s not,” Cannon and I both say at the same time. Cannon goes on to add, “Your boy is on the chopping block. Roman wants his head.”

Tessa shakes her head. “I could…I could go with you.”

“I think we both know that you’re not ready for that. The last few days have been great, but you don’t like being left alone. I’ll have to find another job, probably working a club at night. I couldn’t leave you every night.”

“I could go with you, to work,” she offers.

“No, sweetheart. The only way Roman will ever let this shit go is if I’m gone and you’re safe under his roof with him and Charlotte.”

“But I can’t stay with them forever!” she exclaims. “They’re engaged! Soon, they’ll be married and want me out of there.”

“I know that. I’m counting on it. When that happens, Roman will have to trust your safety to someone else.”

“This really is the best plan, doll,” Cannon tells her. “Stick to it, man, and you’ve got my support,” he says, holding out his palm toward me.

“Conrad’s too?” I ask as we shake on it.

“I’ll brief him, and he’ll probably be on board,” he replies.

“So now I just need to run it by Hugo, Nolan, and Abel to see if they’ll bite.”

“Those three don’t have any loyalties to Roman, other than taking his orders. They’ll make their own decision about this situation.”

“Yeah. Hopefully,” I agree.

“So, you still haven’t said why you’re here, although I have an inkling,” Cannon remarks.

“The names and addresses Joey gave us were solid,” I explain to him. “They’ve been handled. Now all that’s left to finish this is putting him down.”

“Fuck,” he grumbles, running his fingers through his blond hair. “Roman is going to have our asses if we let you touch him,” he says, referring to him and Conrad since they’re on watch tonight.

“I won’t have to touch a hair on his head,” I assure him.

Before he can talk me out of it, I lead Tessa by the hand toward the door of the boathouse. Conor is waiting just on the other side of the run-down wooden shack, standing in the doorway, keeping an eye on his prisoner and on his brother at the same time.

“How’s it going?” I ask him when we walk inside. “Want to head home early tonight?”

He looks to Cannon, who is on our heels. His brother nods, so Conrad gives a shrug. “I’m just glad this is done. He’s been asking us to get it over with already,” he says, nodding to what’s left of the man sagging in the stocks. Tessa gasps when she finally sees him and covers her mouth. I don’t know whether it’s because he’s beaten and bloody or because he’s being held in the exact way that they held her and the other women.

“Do you want to wait outside with Cannon?” I ask her softly when I let her hand go to pull out my gun from the back of my jeans, the same one I gave Tessa earlier to protect herself in case shit went sideways.

“No. I can handle it.”

“Verek,” Cannon says in warning, Copyright 2016 - 2024