Vengeance Road (Torpedo Ink #2) - Christine Feehan Page 0,97

pussy, Bree. He wouldn’t have lasted ten minutes in one of our schools.”

Breezy bit her lip to keep from arguing that point. Donk was a huge man. Yeah, he had a beer gut, but he was strong, and he liked to punch anyone who looked at him wrong. Quite a few members of the chapter were afraid of him.

“If Donk is with Bridges, then Favor and Riddle know where they are, and there isn’t a doubt in my mind they’ll visit them at some point. Favor, Riddle and Donk hang together all the time. What one does, they all do.”

“That’s good, Bree. I’ll put Code on it.” He bent his head and brushed a kiss over the top of her head. “Take off now.” His gaze went beyond her. “Lana, I’m trusting you with what means the most to me.”

“I won’t leave her side, you know that, Steele.” Lana very gently caught Breezy’s upper arm and tugged her away from Steele. “Who’s the bait?”

“Master’s going in. Player will watch his back. You hang back with Bree until they tell you they’ve cleared the entire area. The others will be close if something goes wrong.”

Lana shrugged. “I can handle a couple of Swords idiots with my eyes closed.”

“I’m not worried about the ones we know are there. I’m worried about the ones we aren’t aware of. Don’t be cocky.”

“Steele, you know I’m always cocky. Got my brothers, don’t have a worry.” She blew him a kiss and started to step away, tugging on Bree’s arm.

Steele reached out and caught the front of Breezy’s jacket, jerking her back to him so hard she nearly stumbled into him. She looked up, blinking, and he took her mouth. He didn’t start gentle. He was rough. Demanding. Hot as hell. He ended gently, pulling her close to him, his mouth moving over hers, his tongue stroking love into her mouth until she wanted to cry because, even now, she felt that. Even now when he had to become the killer, she felt his love surrounding her.

She’d told him once that she loved him, and he’d shut down. She watched his expression go from happiness to pure ice, to the mask. He had turned away from her, and she’d never repeated the sentiment—and she had no intentions of making that mistake again. He was never going to tell her, never going to say it aloud, but it didn’t matter because she felt love in his every touch or kiss.

She kissed him back, trying to convey the fact that she was with him every step of the way. She might not be able to do the things necessary to get their son back, so she was doubly grateful that he could. He lifted his head and a shiver went down her spine. He had that look again, the cold, deadly one. She cupped the side of his jaw for a brief moment and then turned to go out with Lana.

“Thank you,” Lana whispered under her breath as she shortened her steps to walk beside Breezy. “He needed you to understand. He would say it didn’t matter, but you’re the one person whose opinion of him does matter.”

“I’m ashamed I can’t do it myself and that he has to be alone.”

“He’s not alone, Bree.” Lana handed her the helmet. “He’s got all of us. We’re like him. We can do whatever needs to be done. We’ve only got you, Anya and Blythe who can’t. We’re happy we have you. We need you. All three of you. We’re hoping you pull us a little more into the light.”

Breezy had never thought of it that way. “Is that what you think I do for Steele?”

Lana swung onto the bike. It was Ink’s. No Sword would ever trust his bike to a woman, not even his old lady, and Lana was not Ink’s woman. Lana had her own bike, but because they knew they would have times when they needed extra hands, she had opted to leave hers at home. It was obvious that Lana and Alena were an integral part of Torpedo Ink.

“I know you do that for him. He was desolate without you. Steele’s a strong man and we all rely on him. It wasn’t the same after you were gone.”

Breezy wrapped her arms around Lana and they were moving fast down the road straight toward the block where her apartment was. Her heart began to pound. She had learned some self-defense from Steele, but clearly it hadn’t done Copyright 2016 - 2024