Vengeance Road (Torpedo Ink #2) - Christine Feehan Page 0,65

mostly to yourselves. We’ve taken a couple of the suites. There’s a kitchenette and the home theater we’re using, so give us a shout if you need us.”

Breezy’s face showed her panic at the idea of being alone with him. Steele immediately stepped between her and the other two men. “We’re good,” he assured.

Maestro saluted him, and the two men sauntered off, leaving him alone with Bree at last. He took her hand and led her away from the panels of floor-to-ceiling glass so he could show her the rest of the house. He took her up the winding staircase. It was wide, the stairs curving around to the second floor.

Unlike most of the other members of Torpedo Ink who had purchased homes in Caspar, Steele had furnished his. Why, he had no idea, because he didn’t actually stay there. He had bought this particular home because he loved the outside, the views and the master bedroom, but more importantly, he knew when he found Breezy, she would love it.

The suite was enormous, and he needed space. Lots of it. He had spent so much of his time in confinement that he couldn’t take closed-in places. He liked to be able to see what was coming at him long before it reached him. The house was mainly in white, ivory or a light gray, making it aesthetically pleasing to him.

The bedroom had a gas fireplace with a long row of flames. The television was recessed into the darker stone above the thick white stone surrounding the built-in fireplace. The throw rug was white with gray accents. He especially loved the view from the huge window and glass door leading to the balcony. The room also had a frameless, stand-alone shower and tub and his and her closets that someone could live in. The frameless shower was a large rectangle made of glass. The sprawling views were tremendous in almost every direction.

He indicated the shower. “I fuckin’ love that.”

For the first time, a ghost of a smile touched her mouth. He watched her eyes dance for just a moment.

“You would. You have a thing about wearing clothes.”

“That’s true.” He caught her hand and dragged her to the large window that took up nearly one wall. “Look at this view. Nothing like it, unless you’re outside in the backyard.”

She pressed herself up against the glass, staring, just as he knew she would. The view was spectacular. “Oh, my God,” she whispered in awe.

Steele removed his colors and put them on the table beside the bed. While she was staring out, looking at the wide expanse of ocean, the waves crashing and rolling, he sank down onto the bed and removed his motorcycle boots and socks.

“I can’t believe you own this, Steele.”

He came up behind her, sliding one hand under her jacket and shirt so his palm covered bare skin. He was a master at seduction. Every Torpedo Ink member was. It was what they’d been raised from birth to do. Seduce. Kill. They had complete control of their bodies. They also controlled the body of their chosen victim—or partner.

Breezy was his woman and he knew everything that aroused her. He’d made it an art to seduce her. To please her. To bring her every bit of pleasure possible under their circumstances. Now, he had her without the Swords surrounding them, which gave him endless possibilities. He hadn’t forgotten one detail. Not one. He’d introduced her to so many pleasures and intended to introduce her to many more.

He kept his hand there, the pad of one finger stroking her bare skin. She was soft. He closed his eyes and savored the way her skin felt. She didn’t move. She didn’t make a sound. He had known she wouldn’t. Breezy might not want to be his, but she was. She belonged to him and she always would, just as he knew there would be no other for him.

He knew as much as he was deliberately seducing her, she was doing the same for him, although innocently. She wasn’t in the least trying and his body was already hers and always would be. He pushed the hair aside from the back of her neck and leaned in to inhale her scent and then blow warm air on her nape. He felt the little tremor that went through her body. It was subtle, but he was acutely tuned to every nuance.

He pressed his lips against her nape. Just touched her there. “Isn’t the view incredible? I Copyright 2016 - 2024