Vengeance Road (Torpedo Ink #2) - Christine Feehan Page 0,25

have a secret one, money he stashes away, probably club money he’s taken and no one knows about,” Steele said.

“Will do,” Code said.

“If we take his money, it will make it harder for him to move all the time. Look into his past women as well. He didn’t have an old lady. Not even Braden’s or Breezy’s mothers. No one knows what happened to them, but he would definitely have no problem taking over a woman’s home if he knows any of them.”

“Grandparents? His mother and father?” Maestro said. “I never heard him talk about them, but if they’re alive, he might go to them.”

“I’ll look into that as well,” Code said.

“As soon as I can get information from Breezy, I’ll give you any names she might know,” Steele promised. “I’ve never seen her so scared.”

“I like the name Zane. Where did she come up with that one?” Alena asked.

Steele shook his head. “She talked about names once. I wasn’t into having kids. I don’t know the first thing about them, so I didn’t participate in the conversation. She mentioned several names and I just ignored her.” It had been right before she left. Right before he’d told her he didn’t want her around.

They’d never talked about love. She’d said it to him once and he hadn’t responded. He didn’t know how to respond. She’d never repeated the sentiment. He’d been gruff when she brought up having a family. He’d told her he didn’t want children and he’d cut off all conversation, including the choosing of names. Zane was Breezy’s choice.

“Did she know she was pregnant when she left?” Lana asked.

“It’s possible. Even probable,” Steele admitted, which made the things he’d said even worse. “I made such an ass out of myself. I should have been more careful in the things I said. I was so busy shoving her away, I didn’t think about how she was going to feel. I wanted her gone. Away from me. I’m too damned old for her. Away from her father and brother. Away from the war I knew was coming.”

“Stop beating yourself up,” Czar said. “You’re always the voice of reason. You’re the one who says we can’t change the past so let it go and figure out a way to undo the damage.”

That was easier said than done. Steele believed there was no changing the past and that one just learned from it and moved on, but now that it was his royal screwup, it wasn’t so easy. He glanced at Reaper. Their enforcer had managed more than once to put his relationship with Anya into jeopardy. Steele cringed a little trying to remember what advice he might have given.

He just nodded because the others seemed to be waiting for something. “We have to assume Bridges has some woman taking care of Zane. No way is he changing diapers or taking him to the toilet. He wouldn’t feed him or get him to bed at night. Neither would Junk.”

“How old would he be?” Player asked.

“Around two and a half. Just shy of that,” Steele answered, and his heart contracted.

“I’ll get looking for the women in his life,” Code assured. “Has Breezy even mentioned her grandparents on either side to you, Steele? Names? Where they might live?”

Steele wanted to kick himself. He’d never even asked. Had he asked her any personal questions? She certainly hadn’t volunteered any information about herself. Damn it, why hadn’t he asked? Because he didn’t think in terms of extended family. None of them did. There was so much to learn about relationships.

He shook his head. “Sorry, Code, no clue.”

Code shrugged as if it didn’t matter, but Steele knew not having any information made it all the more difficult for his brother to track down Bridges’s parents. Steele had been happy with Breezy, mostly because she was there to do every little thing for him. Give him everything he wanted. He’d never had that. He’d never once in his life, that he could remember, had anyone see to his every need. He’d selfishly been happy with that arrangement.

“Anything else?” He wanted to get back to her. He needed to see her in his bed. Make certain she hadn’t found a way to slip out. He’d left Fatei, the prospect he trusted most, just outside his door. Fatei had been in the same school with Gavriil, Czar’s brother, and it had been brutal. The man was dangerous, quiet, and he could be counted on. Steele hoped when the others showed Copyright 2016 - 2024