Vengeance Road (Torpedo Ink #2) - Christine Feehan Page 0,159

them as well as he’s in partnership with you in the store in Sea Haven and has to sign off on the use of the name here in Caspar.”

Inez took the papers and handed them to Frank. “We really appreciate the opportunity and we’ll get back to you fast. Did you have someone in mind for running the store?”

Steele fielded that one. “Lana eventually wants to have a clothing store but said she’d learn from you while she plans out her shop. Once we find someone who would like to settle here, and we feel he or she would be good, Lana can train them.”

Inez nodded briskly. “I’ve worked with quite a few people, many that have come and gone over the years. I’m fairly good at choosing the right person. If I’m a partner, even a very junior one, I’d like to be in on the interview before you settle on someone.”

“Of course, Inez. You let us know what you need to make this work,” Czar said.

Alena came in, followed by Ice and Storm carrying trays. “Refreshments?” Alena set a platter of lemon-raspberry tarts on the table and added coffee for Frank and tea for Inez. “I wanted you to taste these, Inez. Frank. I would love your opinion.”

Ice put coffee in front of Czar and Steele. Storm gave Absinthe coffee and put the milk and sugar on the table beside the tarts.

Alena sank into a chair beside Absinthe. “We’re getting ready to open my restaurant. I’m having more trouble finding the right people to work for me than I did getting the permits for the building and business.”

Inez sighed. “That’s the way it is here. No one seems to want to work that much, at least not unless you can pay them money you can’t afford and they’re not worth.”

“It’s a real problem,” Frank agreed.

“I really like the way you’re resurrecting this beautiful place,” Inez said. “It’s nice to finally see businesses thriving, even if there’s only a few. I see Bannister’s motorcycle parked at the bar every time I drive by. He’s a good man, Czar.”

Czar nodded. “He’s good friends with Anya. She looks after him, makes sure he eats now and then and is fine to drive home.”

“His son is not a good guy,” Frank spoke up. “Watch him if he starts coming around. He gambles, and not just a little. Borrows money from everyone and then can’t pay it back. Hits his father up by telling him someone’s going to kill him if he won’t get the money for him. Bannister sells everything and gives him the money and then his son gambles it away. It’s been an ongoing cycle for a while.”

Inez exchanged another look with her husband. “We’re not just gossiping, Czar. If your Anya has any influence, see if she can find out if Bannister’s son has moved back. We think his son has been beating on him. He’s come into the store a few times with bruises. Black eyes. Said he laid down his bike, but Bannister doesn’t do that. He’s buying groceries for two, things he wouldn’t ordinarily buy. If his son is there, it won’t be the first time he’s hurt that man.”

“You take this to Jackson?” Czar asked.

Inez nodded. “We did. He went by Bannister’s trailer and checked on him. Bannister gave him the same story, that he’d laid down his bike. Jackson checked the bike, just in passing, not making it a big thing, but there wasn’t a scratch on the bike.”

Czar sighed. “You know what it’s like interfering in family. Bannister hasn’t asked for help from us. Not sure I would know what to do if he did, but I’ll give it some thought. And I’ll tell Anya there’s a problem. She’ll keep a close eye. She has a real fondness for Bannister.”

“Are the rooms above the bar being rented out?” Frank asked.

“We’re in the process of renovating them,” Steele answered. “They needed a little upkeep and modernization, but we don’t guard any of the buildings where we have work going on, Czar. We might pay someone to sleep in one of those rooms and make certain no thieves or vandals show up in the might. Bannister might be just the man for it.”

Inez beamed. She leaned over and patted Steele’s hand. “You always come up with good ideas, Steele.”

“I think you’re snowing me, Inez, since Frank prompted me in that direction,” he replied. “But I’m good with that.”

“I have to say, Alena, I’ve never had Copyright 2016 - 2024