Vengeance Road (Torpedo Ink #2) - Christine Feehan Page 0,150

of them. Even Czar and Reaper were worried.

“Prefer you to guard Steele and his family while Keys and I take care of it,” Maestro said. “It will go faster with us sweeping the room, making certain there are no cameras or recordings of Breezy. No DNA on anything. She didn’t touch anything that we saw, and she didn’t sit on the bed, but it’s best to be safe.”

Savage shrugged. “I can do that.”

Steele cut him off, making the decision. “Let’s put a two-man team on the motel. Get it done fast. Transporter, get the truck ready. As soon as Breezy is here, I want out. We need to distance ourselves from this place. Everyone was careful, but we still need to wipe it down. That means I’ll be leaving with a skeleton crew at first. Savage, you’ll be with us.”

Savage didn’t argue. Steele was grateful for whatever concessions he could get. He nodded toward them as Lana came into the room with Breezy. They’d broken into the building across from the motel and used the upstairs business for their point of operation. They wanted to make certain no one ever knew they were there or even suspected it.

He went right to his woman, wrapped his arm around her neck and kissed her. She tasted good. Sweet with a hint of spice, as if at any moment she could flare into heat and sin. He let himself get lost in her for a few minutes because he needed it. They had his son safe, although they needed to put distance between them and Louisiana. He’d been holding it together, worried about his child and woman, and that, at least was over. They were in his custody and the care of the club.

The bikes would filter out, only a couple accompanying the truck. They needed to get out of Swords territory as quickly as possible. Transporter would switch driving with him so they could make better time.

“You’ve got about three minutes. Ink’s putting Zane in the car seat and then we’re out of here.”

Her gaze searched his face, but he gave her a little push toward the bathroom. “Don’t touch anything if you can help it. We can’t leave anything behind ever.” He looked at Lana.

She nodded her understanding and followed Breezy right into the room. He heard Breezy’s protest, but Lana didn’t come back out. Everyone moved quickly. No one wanted to fill his woman in on what was necessary for her safety. She was quick, picking up on small nuances, and they all knew it. She’d trained herself from the time she was very young to get a feel for anything that might be wrong in the club, so she could fix the problem. None of them wanted that. The faster he took her out of there and had her head occupied with other things, the better it was going to be for all of them.

The moment Breezy was out of the restroom, he caught her hand and started out of the room. “Wipe it down and make certain there’s no evidence of a break-in,” he called over his shoulder, more for show than anything else.

Maestro and Keys waited along with Lana and Preacher until Breezy and Steele were nearly at the bottom of the staircase. “We’ll catch up soon,” Maestro assured.

Steele gave them the thumbs-up and opened the door that led to the street. He was cautious about it, checking for anyone that might be walking around the neighborhood. He timed it so no cars were coming. There were cameras at the hotel and two on the building they were using, but none of them worked.

Transporter had the truck at the curb directly in front of the seedy little structure that housed two businesses. He’d left the keys in the ignition and had already faded into the shadows, moving around to the back where their bikes were parked in an alleyway where Fatei stood watch over them.

Breezy went straight to the back door of the cab and pulled it open to look at her son. Steele caught her around the waist and tossed her onto the passenger seat. “He’s asleep, baby, let him sleep.”

“I like to look at him,” she protested.

“You’ll have plenty of time to look at him on the drive home.” He rounded the hood and slid behind the wheel. His bike was already up on the tracks in the back, tied down. He had the truck in motion and was pulling out into traffic before Breezy Copyright 2016 - 2024