Vengeance Road (Torpedo Ink #2) - Christine Feehan Page 0,148

wasn’t the brightest woman Breezy knew. Likable, but not bright. Candy would try to do her best, but she wasn’t organized in the least.

“Thanks so much, Lizard.” Breezy poured relief into her voice. “I was so worried I couldn’t think of a solution. I’ll do my best to get rid of Deveau, although, I’m a little scared to go after a member of law enforcement.”

“He’s an enemy of the Swords, Breezy,” Lizard reminded. “You’re always going to be Swords. Think of it as you paying your dues to get back in.”

She turned and went to Candy, feeling a lump in her throat. Candy wasn’t much younger than she was, but they seemed worlds apart. She hugged the girl, one of her childhood friends she had to let go of. “I hope your life is always wonderful, Candy,” she murmured, unable to help herself.

“I’ll look after Zane,” Candy volunteered. “Don’t worry at all about him.”

“I won’t,” Breezy said sincerely. She was always going to be the one person the Swords could track. She was about to become one of their greatest enemies. They might not know who she was with, but someone had helped her get Zane back and they’d done it by killing the chapter president and several of his fellow Swords members. They would always recognize Breezy Simmons, and she would put Zane and Steele in jeopardy just by her being with them.

For a moment she considered confessing that she’d hired some mercenaries to get Zane back. She’d let Lizard take her up the chain of command and the Swords could beat her or kill her. Because they’d lost a president and several members, they’d most likely kill her. Even with that, Steele and Zane would be safe.

“Whatever you’re thinking, don’t.” Steele’s voice was low. Persuasive. Back to a velvet caress. “I need you, Breezy. Zane needs you. Come away from there where you can breathe again.”

How did he know? But he did. He knew her that well. He knew she would be contemplating giving up her life for the two of them.

She walked toward the door and Lizard. Her heart was pounding. She didn’t know if she wanted him to step aside or to hold her right there. She tilted her head up. “Really, Lizard. I appreciate your help. I’ve been so confused and angry lately. I cry a lot, and I’m so scared for Zane. It’s not been easy on my own. I think that’s why I was desperate to have Candy go with me. I thought if she was with me, things would be so much better.”

Lizard shook his head. “You need to get this done and come home to the club. I’ll make sure Bridges will accept you back. You’ll have Zane, and he’ll be raised where he should be. If he’s anything like his father was, he’ll be an asset to us when he grows up.”

Breezy nodded several times and took more steps toward him. Lizard stepped forward and unexpectedly put his arms around her. “You’ll do good, girl. Get this done and you’ll have your son back in no time. I’ll see that you’re taken care of.”

She looked up at his face. “He beats me all the time, Lizard.”

“I know he does, Breezy. There are a lot of men willing to take care of you, and they won’t let him. You just have to give them the signal that you’ll take them on.”

He patted her head. “You’ve got my number and Candy’s. When this is done, we’ll make everything right.”

She nodded and stepped out of his arms toward the door. He stepped with her and reached for the doorknob before she could grasp it. He leaned his weight there while his gaze moved over her speculatively. She wanted to scream. She knew he was testing her one last time and she couldn’t break, but it was difficult.

“You understand what I’m saying? You choose wisely when you come home. Your man is going to have to have some pull with the club to override anything Bridges does.”

She realized then he was talking about himself. If she gave him any kind of a signal, he’d be willing to incur Bridges’s wrath. She let that realization dawn and then she smiled, but shyly, ducking her head in an effort to hide how pleased she was. Lizard caught her chin and lifted her head, looking into her eyes.

“You come back, and I’ll see to you and Zane. You’ll have Candy to help you.”

Candy clapped her hands again. Copyright 2016 - 2024