Vengeance Road (Torpedo Ink #2) - Christine Feehan Page 0,134

their son take it over whenever he was released from prison.

Lana dove into the water, swam around the boat and caught at the ladder to climb right back out. She was naked, beautiful, the water running off her, first in sheets and then drops as she once more climbed on board, mesmerizing her audience. All three Swords members had their binoculars to their eyes, their attention once again riveted on Lana.

“I hear a female voice,” Mechanic reported.

Steele held his breath. His son had to be there. He had to be. His stomach was in knots. How many times had he crawled through the ventilation system at their prison when he was a child, stealing medical supplies and sometimes, killing one of the adults. He’d never so much as flinched. He had nerves of steel. It was an often-told joke. He didn’t feel that way now. He didn’t want to exercise caution. He wanted to run to the house and search it, room by room, taking apart those inside until he found his boy.

“A child’s voice.” Mechanic’s usually steady tone cracked. He cleared his throat. “Definitely a very young child inside. Second floor. On the move with the female. She’s talking low to him and cautioning him not to speak until they’re outside. I don’t think she’s aware that Donk or the others are out there.”

Steele was grateful he was sitting down. He knew his legs would have given out in sheer relief. “Keys.” He spoke into his radio. “Tell Breezy he’s there. Inside the house. We’ve found him. Don’t let her do anything crazy, like run over there.” That was exactly what he wanted to do—get to the house and take his son back.

He kept his binoculars focused on that back door. Breezy had shown him pictures of his son and now he had them on his own phone. He wanted to see his son in flesh and blood. Alive. The relief was overwhelming.

“Pickup on move, the small little rocket that was parked in front of the guesthouse. Lizard is driving,” Ink said. His voice was pitched low, but it carried over the rooftop so all of them could hear. He sounded as if he might be in a trance, talking while hypnotized. “He’s making his way to the main house.”

Steele didn’t allow that information to divert his attention from the entrance. The door opened, and a woman stepped through. She was leaning down slightly and talking. He could see that it was Candy, although she seemed grown up in comparison to the young girl she’d been three years earlier.

She was laughing, and she reached down. He could see a little hand going into hers. Together they stepped through the door. They walked along the patio and rounded the corner where the flowers formed a small barrier.

His son. Steele focused the high-powered binoculars on the child. He had a wild mop of tawny hair. His heart ached. Beat uncontrollably. The boy was thin. There was a bruise on his face. Very distinctive. Very dark. Rage burst through him and the monster inside roared.

Candy’s smile faded, and both of them came to a halt. She leaned down and whispered something to the boy.

“He’s beautiful,” Lana said.

“Looks like you, Steele,” Transporter said.

“She’s reminding him to stay close to her and away from any of the men. Not to make a lot of noise or cry. Especially not to cry,” Mechanic reported. “She told him they would swim later, that they needed to get back inside.”

Steele knew Candy was aware Donk like to hurt smaller creatures. The girl straightened and started to turn.

“Candy,” Donk roared. “Get your ass over here and suck my cock.”

“Mine too,” Riddle said.

Favor just opened his jeans.

Candy pushed the child behind her and indicated the door to the house. “I’m supposed to be watching him.” She took a step to try to get back to the safety of the house.

Donk started toward her, his strides long, arms swinging angrily, reminding Steele of a gorilla. “You do what I say,” he snapped. “Get your ass over here and bring that little pissant with you. I’ll drown the little mongrel.”

Candy held up her hand to placate him. “I’ll blow you, Donk. No problem.”

Steele focused on the boy. He was looking at Donk with fear, but also with open distaste. He didn’t turn and run as Candy had instructed to him to do.

Donk reached Candy and grabbed her by the hair, twisting her head, clearly prepared to shove her to her knees. Copyright 2016 - 2024