The Venetian and the Rum Runner - L.A. Witt Page 0,86

rushed into Danny’s cheeks, and he sheepishly held Carmine’s gaze. “I, um… No. No, we’re not working with any others.”

“That’s what I thought. So I could trust that you weren’t on the take with whoever was involved. You wouldn’t cover for anyone.” He grinned, unaware of the warmth he ignited beneath Danny’s skin. “And you’re good enough to actually get in.”

Danny laughed, still a little sheepish but a little flustered too. “Aye, we can, but that’s worth what you paid us and what we took? And what we paid your boys to look the other way?”

“It’s worth it to know how people are getting in and stealing my merchandise,” Carmine said. “I hoped my security was just incompetent. Looks like they were on the take.”

Danny sobered. “What’s going to happen to them?”

“You leave that to me.”

“I…” Danny sighed, shoulders sagging. “I did this job for you, but I ain’t in this to get no one killed. Not my men, and not yours, even if they was stealing.”

“I didn’t say they’d be killed, but I do have to make sure the rest of the men working for me know this won’t be tolerated. If I let it go, then they’ll just get bolder, and it won’t be long before the whole city thinks they can walk all over me. Can’t have that.”

“Just…” Danny hesitated, but finally squared his shoulders and said, “You won’t kill them, right?”

Carmine’s eyes widened. “What?” He sounded genuinely surprised, but not angry, so maybe Danny hadn’t pushed him too far.

Cautiously, he pushed harder. “I might be out of line asking such a thing, but it’s because of me you found out what they’re doing, so whatever happens to them is because…” He tapped the middle of his chest.

Carmine straightened a little. “But it’s… It’s not your fault, what they did. You didn’t make them steal anything.”

“No, but I led you to them.” Danny struggled to keep his nerves from showing. There wasn’t a gangster in the city he’d have ventured this far with and not been sure he was asking for a bullet of his own. “My conscience still keeps me up at night over Ricky il Sacchi, and killing him couldn’t be avoided.” He had to swallow past the bile that tried to rise as his fingers tingled with the phantom vibration from the statue connecting with il Sacchi’s head. “If my thieving leads to someone else being killed…” He shook his head. “I can’t live with that. I just can’t.”

“Oh.” Carmine blinked. “I see.”

“I ain’t asking you to let them off easy,” Danny went on. “Just don’t kill them.”

For long, uncomfortable seconds, Carmine watched him, and Danny had no idea what he’d say. Any other bootlegger would’ve tossed Danny out of his office by now after reminding him of his place. Carmine was an underboss, for Pete’s sake. He didn’t answer to street thieves.

“All right.” Carmine nodded. “I won’t kill them.”

It took a heartbeat or two for Danny to comprehend what he’d said. “You… You won’t? You swear it?”

“On my father’s grave,” Carmine said solemnly, “I won’t kill them.”

Danny narrowed his eyes. “And you won’t have no one else kill them?”

“I won’t have them killed.” Carmine showed his palms. “I promise.”

Slowly Danny released his breath. “All right, then. Or tortured?”

Carmine laughed, shaking his head. “Or tortured.” He lowered his hands and turned serious again. “I can’t let something like this go unpunished, Danny. I can’t. But there won’t be anyone tortured or killed. You have my word.”

There had been a time not very long ago when the word of a gangster wouldn’t have been worth a damn to Danny. And truly, the word of most gangsters still wasn’t.

But he believed Carmine. What that meant, he didn’t know, but he believed no one would be tortured or killed because of this.

Curiosity got the best of him, and he quietly asked, “What would you have done to them if I hadn’t asked?”

“Hadn’t decided yet.” Carmine shrugged. “But it doesn’t matter now. I gave you my word, and I intend to keep it.”

“Thank you.” Danny tucked the bundle of cash into his jacket. “I’ll, um… I’ll be off, then.”

Carmine nodded and extended his hand. “Thank you, Danny.”

Danny hesitated, but then shook Carmine’s hand, and Lord, but it felt so strange to be looking into those dark eyes and…believing him. Taking him at his word.

And…truly…not wanting… to let go…

You’ve gone mad, idiot! Get out of here!

He cleared his throat as he released Carmine’s hand. “Right. Right. I’ll, um…” He Copyright 2016 - 2024