The Venetian and the Rum Runner - L.A. Witt Page 0,168

being dead, and now he was alive, but taken by Salvatore il Sacchi? Along with Carmine? There was no telling what was happening to them. What would happen to them. What had already happened to them. Somehow that was even worse than trying to accept the idea that his longtime friend was dead. Salvatore was a madman, and God knew what he was doing to James and Carmine right now.

Danny turned away and put a hand to his mouth, not sure if he was keeping himself from getting sick or breaking down.

“Danny.” Giulia grabbed his shoulders and looked right at him, her dark eyes as intense and piercing as her brother’s. “Do you want to save them?”

“Of course I do.”

“Then pull yourself together.” Her voice was hard. “Carmine and the priest need us.”

He held her gaze, and as her words sank in, he knew without a doubt she was right. Giulia had lost Francis, same as him, and if they didn’t do something, they could both lose Carmine, and Danny could lose James too. The situation pulled the world out from under him, but he couldn’t let fear hobble him. Not now.

Because James and Carmine needed them. All of them. Right now.

Nodding sharply, Danny swallowed, pushing back the acid trying to rise up the back of his throat. “All right. All right. We need to make a plan.”

Giulia smiled faintly, and along with the lads, they moved into the parlor and sat down.

Danny looked at the men from his crew. “Are the others coming?”

“They are,” Bernard said. “But first they’ve gone to try to find Rowan and get the family someplace safe. In case Salvatore’s bluffing, or if any of the kids was left behind.”

“They…” Danny blinked. “They have?”

Giulia nodded. “Before Carmine went to see il Sacchi, he told Liam to get your crew here, and to find your family and keep them safe.”

“Have… Have they found my family?”

“I don’t know yet.” She squeezed his arm. “But they know where to look. You trust them, don’t you?”

“I do.”

“Then let them worry about finding the family. We need to find Carmine and the priest, and we need to assume Salvatore has your family too. So we need to move, and we need to move quickly.”

Danny swallowed. She was right. Of course she was. Rolling his sore shoulders, he looked from one person to the next. “What do you any of you suggest?”

Bernard tapped his fingers on his knee. “We could send in the Pulvirentis. They’re far better armed than you’ll ever be, and—”

“No.” Danny shook his head. “This is personal for Salvatore. I killed his brother, and he won’t stop until I’m dead, even if he goes down with me. If the Pulvirentis bust in and try to stop him, he’ll just kill Carmine and James.”

“And besides,” Giulia said, “Maurizio is dead. If the Pulvirentis get involved, they’re liable to shoot every man standing out of vengeance, and get James and Carmine killed.”

Bernard grunted in agreement. “All right, then. We could—”

The front door opened, and they were all instantly on their feet.

“Giulia?” Liam’s voice made Danny unsteady with relief. “Is anyone—”

The soft whimper of a baby had Danny rushing into the foyer, and when he got there, his knees almost dropped out from under him. “Rowan.”

“Danny?” His older brother, cradling the baby, stared at him. “You’re…” He looked him up and down as he came closer. “Are you all right? You’re covered in—”

“I’m fine. I’m fine.” Danny swallowed. “And you?” He looked from Rowan to Eliza and the children and his late brother’s widow. “You’re all right too? All of you?”

“We are. But what’s…” Rowan scanned the foyer and stairs, and slowly seemed to be taking in his surroundings. Holding his son protectively, he said, “What’s going on, Danny? Mathew and Liam, they said we needed to come right away, but…” He eyed Danny suspiciously.

“There’s trouble,” Danny said. “And people are threatening to harm my family. All of you.” His voice tried to shake as he reached into his pocket. “Some men gave me this and told me they’d kill all of you if I didn’t do as I was told.” He held up Eliza’s pendant, and both his brother and sister-in-law inhaled sharply.

“My crucifix!” She reached for it, taking it carefully in both hands. “A man stole it from me a few days ago. I thought it was gone forever.”

I thought you were all gone forever.

A lump rose in Danny’s throat and he looked up at his brother. “I’m sorry. Copyright 2016 - 2024