The Venetian and the Rum Runner - L.A. Witt Page 0,154

felt himself blush, and he laughed. “Aye. Can’t really deny it, can I?” Then he sobered, and he groaned. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph—one job gone bad on New Year’s, and now I’m in love with one gangster and another wants me dead. And the year ain’t even half over yet. What’s happened to me?”

James just chuckled, and he reached across the void to squeeze Danny’s hand. “You met a man you can’t help but love. That’s what’s happened to you.”

“And look where that’s gotten me.” Danny brought up his cigarette again. “What do I do now?” He met James’s eyes. “What do we do?”

“I don’t know, but one thing I do know…” James gripped his hand tighter and fixed pleading eyes on him. “You’re not safe here. You’ve got to get out of here. Out of New York.”

“And go where? Back to Ireland?”

“Anywhere.” James shrugged. “Back to Ireland. West to Chicago. Whatever it takes for you to be safe.” His brow pinched. “Lord knows you’ve got the money to go anywhere you like.”

Lowering his gaze, Danny nodded. It was true. He could sail back to Ireland in far better accommodations than he’d had coming over. He could leave all this behind, take the money hidden all over the apartment, return to Ireland, and live comfortably the rest of his days.

Maybe James was right. It was heartbreaking to imagine. There were so many people he’d be leaving behind, but how many of those people would be safer without him here in the city?

On the other hand, who was to say Salvatore il Sacchi wouldn’t beat down every door and torture everyone Danny loved, squeezing answers out of anyone who could possibly know where he was, while Danny was safe and warm across the ocean? Because Salvatore was insane with grief and fury over the death of his brother. If Danny had known the names of the men who’d murdered his brothers, wouldn’t he have torn New York apart looking for them? Hadn’t Hugh done exactly that, joining the White Hands so he could exact vengeance for what the Black Hands had done to Robert?

Danny sat back in the chair, staring down at the cigarette smoldering between his fingers. He’d all but begged Carmine to promise never to die trying to save him from a proverbial burning truck. Carmine refused, and Danny knew in his heart that just like James had grappled with Salvatore tonight, Carmine would fight for him too. Even if Ireland was the safest place for Danny now, his conscience would never let him have a moment’s rest if he fled while the men willing to fight for him stayed in the same city as the one that wanted him dead.

“No.” He shook his head and turned to James. “I can’t leave.”

James blew out some smoke through his bloodied lips. “Danny. Think about—”

“I’m staying.” Danny crushed his cigarette emphatically in the ashtray. “I don’t know what to do about Salvatore. I hope Carmine does. But I’m not leaving that maniac to hurt everyone I love while I go home like a coward.”

His friend watched him for a long moment before he sighed. “All right. Then let’s get some sleep while the sun’s still down so we can go see Carmine in the morning.”


“Aye.” James crushed his own cigarette beside Danny’s. “And don’t argue with me.”

Danny didn’t argue.

Chapter 34

There wasn’t much that could stir up a house full of Italians like a priest at the door with a black eye and a split lip. Irish or not, this was a man of God, and Carmine’s men were ready to bash in skulls.

As Mama brought Danny and Father Carroll coffee in the parlor, Carmine stayed out in the hall to order his men to wait for his word before taking any action.

“You find out who did this,” Paulie said, pointing sharply toward the parlor, “we’ll make sure he don’t lay a hand on nobody again. Say the word, boss.”

Carmine nodded. “It won’t go unanswered.” He threw each man in the hallway a hard look. “But not until I give the order. You got it?”

They all scowled, but they nodded and mumbled, “Yeah, boss.”

“All right. Everyone get out of here.” He gestured over his shoulder at the parlor. “I’m going to find out what’s going on here, and I’ll decide what’ll be done about it.”

With a few glances toward the parlor and some reluctant nods, the men obediently dispersed. Then Carmine went in to join Danny and Father Carroll.

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