The Venetian and the Rum Runner - L.A. Witt Page 0,134

glanced down at the chits. “Did you have any trouble? And did you take the new trucks?”

“The new trucks are great, yeah. We had a little trouble, but…”

Carmine’s head snapped up, his eyes wide with worry. “And?”

Chuckling, Danny shrugged. “You was right about giving the Coast Guard Big Bill’s name.”

“Is that right?”

“It is. I told them if they put one boot on my deck, they’d be answering to him. And they just…” He waved a hand. “They left without a backwards glance.”

Carmine held his gaze, disbelief written all over his face. Then he laughed, unaware of the lightning that sent all the way to Danny’s toes, and he shook his head. “I should have known. And I’m… I’m glad to have you and your boys back out there.”

“Me too,” Danny whispered.

Their eyes locked again, but only for a moment this time before Carmine broke away and went to his safe. He skimmed over the chits, took out some money, and started counting out the cash. Usually Danny watched, silently counting along with him, but this time, all he could concentrate on were long fingers and the way Carmine’s lips subtly moved as he counted to himself. When he’d finished counting it, he handed it to Danny, who… Well, Danny tried to count it. It was close enough, he figured, so he handed it back for Carmine to wrap.

And as Carmine started bundling the cash in butcher paper, Danny just couldn’t wait any longer. Not while they were this close.


Carmine looked up, and Danny slid a hand across his belly. “The money… It can wait.”

“It can—”

Danny kissed him, and it only took a second for Carmine to let the money fall to the desk so he could wrap his arms around him. He nudged Danny back a step, then another, and… yes. Oh, yes. Danny hadn’t even realized how much he’d needed this until he was backed against the wall with Carmine’s deep, hungry kiss pulling the breath right out of him. They’d been gentle the last time, more reassuring than anything and trying not to bump cuts and bruises, and before that, they’d both been tentative and cautious, but this time? Oh, there was no caution or gentleness now. They gripped each other’s clothes, hair, necks—whatever they could get their hands on.

In his mind, Danny saw Carmine bending him over the desk and riding him until he couldn’t move, and he shivered, moaning into Carmine’s kiss. It was rare he met a man he was willing to take that way, especially without fear that he’d tell Danny’s friends and family, humiliating him, but his need for Carmine was so strong, it extinguished that fear. And would Carmine really say anything to anyone? It wasn’t even a matter of manliness or embarrassment this time; he just couldn’t imagine Carmine breathing a word to anyone about what happened between them.

He broke the kiss and looked in Carmine’s eyes. God, no, there was nothing there that told Danny to distrust Carmine. Quite the contrary.

How is it you that’s looking at me this way?

And how is it you I’m looking at this way?

They held each other’s gazes, and then Carmine drew him back in, and even the chill air of the underground office couldn’t chase away the warmth between them. All the hunger and desire from earlier still burned hot, but there was comfort and reassurance now too. Despite everything that had happened, they’d made it to this, and Danny wanted—

The telephone on Carmine’s desk jangled to life, startling them apart.

“Damn,” Carmine muttered. “I should…” He gestured at it.

“Right. Right.” Danny picked up the untied bundle of cash and nodded toward the door. “I should…”


They exchanged a longing look, but the telephone kept ringing, demanding Carmine’s attention. With a sigh, he reached for it, and Danny reluctantly headed for the door.

When it opened, he glanced back. Carmine was listening to someone on the other end, but he still met Danny’s eyes, and oh, yes, all that heat was still there. All that hunger and desire still simmered beneath the surface. The two of them just needed a time and a place where they wouldn’t be interrupted.

“You coming?” Sal asked.

“I…” Danny shook himself. “Right. Of course. Sorry.”

He stepped out into the tunnel, and just before the door shut behind him, he heard Carmine say, “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”

And Danny grinned to himself all the way back up to street level.

Chapter 28

Especially for their first night back after their ordeal, Danny and the crew Copyright 2016 - 2024