The Venetian and the Rum Runner - L.A. Witt Page 0,121

been through a terrible ordeal and he had a friend to grieve. Though he was trying hard not to let it show, it wasn’t likely he could handle any more tonight.

“Go get some rest.” Carmine nodded toward the office door. “When you and the crew have recovered and you’re ready to run again, say the word.”

“But we’ve lost the trucks, and now that bastard’s men know our faces.” Danny’s brow pinched. “What do we do?”

Carmine considered it for a long moment. “For now, take some time and rest. Recover from…” He gestured at Danny’s face. “Bury your friend.”

Danny winced.

Voice soft, Carmine continued, “I’ll have new trucks for you. You’ll have to be careful. Keep your faces hidden as much as you can. Il Sacchi’s crew recognizes you, but the Coast Guard and the other operations don’t.”

Avoiding his gaze, Danny nodded. “The lads might need some time.” I might need some time, his eyes added. “The money is good, but it’s all been…”

“I know,” Carmine said quietly. “But whatever you need to be able to get back out there, and whatever you boys need to protect yourselves at home and around the city, you’ve got it.”

Danny met his eyes again, and he seemed to search them for sincerity.

“Whatever you need,” Carmine whispered, stepping a little closer. “But I need you.”

As they stared at each other, he didn’t know in that moment if he meant he needed Danny the rum runner, or if he needed…Danny. But he supposed it didn’t matter because both were true.

Cautiously, he touched the unbruised side of Danny’s face and, heart pounding, he finally did what he’d been dying to do since they’d gotten in the car together—he raised his chin and gently pressed his lips to Danny’s. Danny tensed at first, but a second before Carmine was going to draw away and apologize for being presumptuous, Danny’s lips relaxed against his. Then his whole body did, and for the first time in what seemed like weeks, the world was right and solid beneath Carmine’s feet. The rum runners were safe. Danny was safe, and he was here. Really, really here, with his arms around Carmine and their lips moving softly together.

Danny broke the kiss, and sighed. Then he whispered, “I should go.” From the shakiness of the words, he was close to breaking, and he didn’t want Carmine to see it.

Carmine nodded. He didn’t want him to leave—he wanted to keep Danny by his side so he could be absolutely sure he was safe—but the man needed rest, and he was probably aching for the familiarity of his own home and his own bed. He probably needed to let the ordeal crash over him the way it was trying to right now.

Carmine pressed lips to Danny’s forehead and again whispered, “Be careful out there, Danny. I mean it. The Pulvirentis are protecting you, but we can’t… Salvatore il Sacchi is a madman.”

Danny shuddered. “So what do I do? I can’t just hide.”

Carmine considered it. Keeping his voice soft, he said, “You and your boys will need to be careful. Watch your backs. Watch each other’s backs. These things can take time to die down.” And just as he’d told Giulia when he’d told her to keep her head down, he wasn’t so sure this thing would die until Salvatore did. Which might have to be arranged.

Danny swallowed. “What about the jobs? Stealing liquor and whatnot? If we stop, then everyone will know it’s us that’s been stealing from everyone.”

Lips pursed, Carmine nodded. “Take some time to rest, though. You and your friends have someone to mourn and wounds that need to heal. A little time away won’t raise much suspicion, and I’ve got enough liquor to sell until you’re ready to go on the water again.”

Avoiding his gaze, Danny picked up the gun case and held it close to him. “All right. I will.”

Carmine gently herded him toward the office door. “Fedele will take you home.”

Danny met his gaze again. “I mean it—thank you for… Tonight. Getting us out.”

“I wasn’t going to leave you there.”

Their eyes locked. Carmine could feel questions burning in Danny’s gaze just like he could feel the answers wanting to jump to the tip of his tongue. Danny’s kiss still tingled on his lips, and that had to have answered more than a few of those questions.

But Danny didn’t ask. Carmine didn’t say.

As Sal took Danny back up to the butcher shop to meet Fedele and go home, Carmine leaned against the door Copyright 2016 - 2024