Vampire Vacation - By C.J. Ellisson Page 0,10

a room with him for any length of time. I would judge him to be a little over three hundred, much younger than my own five hundred eighty years. He’s unquestionably the head of this seethe. His regal bearing and dominant strength remind me of a clansman of ages past. Liam may be dressed all in black, but I bet he’d look more at home painted blue, wearing a kilt, and wielding an axe.

Liam’s hard countenance reveals nothing while he observes his surroundings. I know he feels my sexual projections but he’s much more controlled than the others. He’ll be a fun one to shake up this week.

I assume it is his mate, the lush brunette, who has her hand resting in the nook of his arm. She could be the Francesca I have listed in my file, as her coloring reminds me of Italian blood. The woman holds herself with confidence and grace; she would have to be strong to hold her own with him.

Last, I see a petite blond. By her pure smell, I can tell no vampire has laid claim to her yet. Interesting. They have fed from her, but there has been no mutual exchange of blood. I wonder why she was invited if she is not a servant. One companion is not enough to feed three vamps, so why bother to bring her at all? She is pretty in a sweet kind of way. I would almost call her innocent—except for the company she keeps. If I got Joanna’s name right, then this young thing must be Olivia.

I can hardly contain my compulsive desire to touch them all and read their desires, but that will have to wait a bit longer. Fireworks first. I always like to start the trip off with a bang.

I walk sedately to a nearby sitting area while enjoying the feel of the form-fitting dress embracing my lush curves. Listening to their chatter for the right time to begin my show, I know timing is crucial in a performance.

Tommy explains some house rules with our guests while distributing room key cards. “Hungry for blood, please call the front desk. We have willing donors on the premises twenty-four hours a day. No sharing of blood with your donors. It’s a one-way transaction. Please do not use any vampire mind control to alter memories unless asked by Vivian or Rafe directly—and she will be checking.” Handing out the last key card, he wraps up his spiel. “Tours and instruction of the third floor rooms will be given at noon tomorrow. Please call if you’d like a private viewing with one of the owners. All other information on the resort can be found in the binder in your room, including the directions for the items in your welcome basket.”

Francesca coos with delight, “Oh, I love welcome baskets. I can hardly wait to see what’s inside!”

Tommy’s answering grin is a knowing one. He has first-hand experience with what’s in those baskets. We give out samples of all the new toys to the staff when a shipment comes in. It’s a great way to ensure their proficient use of the intimate items.

I try to tune out the rest of the playful banter between the guests by lowering myself into a comfortable chair. I love this part of my job. The first feel our visitors get when they arrive can set the tone for their whole vacation.

Not many vampires have the power to project real-life illusions, and of those who can, none are able to fool their fellow undead—except for the rare ones like me. I’m the only powerful manipulator left of my kind. The rest have been hunted down and killed by the tribunal of ancients to ensure no vampire can mind control another.

Who would guess they were vacationing with one of the best enforcers our vampire tribunal has ever seen? My high kill rate was always attributed to fighting skills and never my use of subtlety. Here, residing at a resort above the Arctic Circle, I hide to avoid the debilitating silver hood used to control my kind, while using my gift. The no-daylight setting, combined with my hidden skill, guarantees that everyone will have a good time, and my added proficiency ensures I’m never suspected.

I cross my legs, debating how far to go tonight. This group has a lot of dynamics I’m unaware of but I’d like to take a risk and push the envelope. Opening my mate bond to see Rafe’s thoughts might Copyright 2016 - 2024