Vampire$ - By John Steakley Page 0,132

pain, were no less sharp or strong. It could spring up these walls, up or down or sideways, until it found the terrace and found the window into its room.

Its room. Did he not know this room? Was this not his room when once he, too, was Pawn of the Monster's Beast on Earth? Did he not..

Ohhh! The pain. Stronger here is the pain. So close to the center. So certain of its wretched might.

But there is still Will. There is still Hatred.

He would still swallow deep his Revenge.

Somewhere on the grounds below the alarms began to sound and the lights began to glow through the trees and there were the sounds of mortals running like fools and calling to one another.

But too late.

The ancient terrace door and all its locks and bolts and sneaky wires were too late. The door gave easily in his claws and, Yes! The pain was greater inside, much, much, greater. But he summoned his Will. He summoned his Hatred. And he stalked across the centuries-old room. Stumbling, yes. With pain, yes. The great pressure seared through 'him.

But then he was at the bedside and there! Before him! The form of the Disease-Felix so smug and safe in its sheets.

And he ripped at the sheets, agony though this movement was, and exposed the form underneath and cried, "Felix! Feeeelixxxx! I have come for you!"

But the face that turned to his own was an elderly one...

"No! Noooo!" it shrieked.

And the Old One said, its voice gentle and sad, "Jack... My son! My poor son."

And the wrinkled hand, so softly caressing its cheek...

The flame exploded across his face and skull and down his spine before spreading across the rest of his body. His howl of pain was impossible to bear. The flame swirled around him and raised him up and consumed him, Consumed him, sent him rocketing about the walls and the ceilings and all those places his soul did touch could never ever be wiped completely clean...

And then the scream ceased. And the flame condensed and boiled in the center of the room.

Then it shot upward out of sight.

The man stared a long time at the spot on the ceiling where the flame had gone. It was only when he moved at last that he realized he was crying.

And noticed the young Gunman standing in the doorway, the forbidden pistol in his hand.

"How did you know?" he asked.

Felix's face was grim as he reholstered the Browning.

"It's what I would have done."
Part Three Epilogue
Epilogue: Team Felix

The young man sitting beside him enjoying the gardens had not spoken in some time.

"Are you well?" the man asked him.

Felix looked at the man and smiled thinly before looking away.

"I was just thinking... It's never going to end, is it?"

The man was silent. What could he answer?

For, of course, it would not end. Not for this planet. It would end for this brave young soul seated beside him. But not well. This is one of the great tragedies.

For the man had come to love this Felix. He loved "dealing" with him. The Supreme Pontiff was unaccustomed to having to "deal" with anyone, save heads of state. He had enjoyed it immensely.

Felix had gotten everything he wanted. One dozen priests, recruited from all over the world, all strong, all brave, all devoted. He had gotten the bishop he had demanded, an American-born bishop, who even now waited for them in Brazil, where the Team would first train for a month.

There was a happy peal of laughter and both turned to the source.

Several of the sisters had come to see the young bride's ring. It was hardly in keeping with the poverty vows, of course, but the Man believed every single sister in Rome had managed to come and view it at least once.

How lovely she is, thought the Man, seeing her proud display.

There was another peal of laughter, and then a wicked squeal, as the other young American, the one called Cat, made a comment the two men seated could not hear.

No doubt something off-color once again, thought the Man.

But even in this he was glad, for this one had been such a thin and shallow scarecrow of a soul when first he had arrived, uncertain, unbelieving - suspicious of all save his leader.

But now look at him! How he smiles and jokes and how devoted are he and Davette! Hard to believe they were not brother and sister.

The Man glanced again at Felix, who was still watching the show.

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