Vampire Cabbie - By Fred Schepartz Page 0,84

they develop their younger players. The highest level in the minor leagues is triple A. All the major league franchises have one of those teams, plus two double A teams, two single A teams and then one instructional league team where the youngest players start out."

"Single A is a very low level?" I asked.

"You got it, Count," Henry replied.

"These Muskies must not be a very good team."

"Well, it's not major league quality," Kern said, "but it's right here inMadison , it's really cheap and it's lots of fun."

"And beer's only a buck a can," Henry said, licking his lips.

"Yeah, so how 'bout coming with?" Kern asked. "We're meeting at the Crystal Corner about six thirty. Game time's seven thirty. It'll be fun."

Count Farkus going to a baseball game! The notion seemed laughable, yet how else might I spend my night free from the shackles of indentured servitude? Tacitus was growing increasingly tedious. Also, I had been discovering a burgeoning erosion of my resistance to developing friendships with my fellow drivers. Though they had seemed so young, uncultured and uncivilized, I discovered that many were of a decent sort. Hardworking, honest, sometimes even witty and sharp of intellect. Much to my surprise, not only had the cooperative's appeal become apparent, but I had begun to find that I liked many of these people. Besides, letting them get to know me and see me as a normal person had to be a help in my efforts toward camouflage.

The game would be played in at least partial sunlight. Yet, even though the mid-April sun would not quite be settled beyond the horizon by six-thirty or seven-thirty, the rays would be weak enough to cause a bare minimum of discomfort.

"I will join you fellows at your baseball contest," I said finally, still wondering what in the name of the hundred false promises of heaven was a Muskie.

Kern smiled. Henry laughed heartily, holding his jiggling belly. "You sure got a funny way of putting things, Count," Kern said.

I merely nodded. "Who else will be attending this contest?"

"Well," Henry answered, "you, me, Kern - "

"And Nicole," Kern said, grinning broadly. "You know Nicole, right?"

The smile dropped from my face. "Yes, I do."
Chapter 12
Take Me Out To The Ballgame

You certainly may scoff at this quite laughable notion of Count Farkus attending a baseball contest, but much to my surprise, I found it quite the intriguing experience. However, not to jump too far ahead, for the issue of Nicole's presence presented quite the awkward scenario.

Over the past month, we exchanged the rare glance, a few bits of conversational pleasantries, but our mutual discomfort was quite obvious. Doubtless, my presence at the baseball game would make her uneasy.

Canceling this engagement might seem suspicious. I did want to attend the contest. And yes, you are correct, I did want to see Nicole, talk to her, and bathe in her scent.

Providence. Shortly after the invitation, misgivings piling upon misgivings, I spotted Nicole at the petrol pump. My naturally surreptitious approach startled her. She turned toward me with a start.

"Please," I said, holding a hand up, "beg my pardon."

"Christ," she said in a whisper, "it's almost like you materialized out of the darkness."

Silence was my answer. "I hope your shift was profitable."

Nicole leaned against the hood of her cab. "Yeah. It was. What do you want?"

I nodded at her directness. "Of course, after nary a word the past month, it would seem odd for me to approach you merely to make, as you Americans say, small-talk."

"Damn right." She crossed her arms in front of her chest. The pump clicked off loudly. Nicole reached for the nozzle to top off her gas tank.

"It is nothing, really." Both hands held up now, palms facing her, no steps taken closer. "Kern has invited me to attend that baseball contest next week - "

Loud laughter interrupted my explanation. "Is that what this is about?" Her arms dropped to her sides as she continued to laugh. "Hell, I thought this was about something serious."

"Considering the events of a month ago, it seemed my presence might disturb you. If so, please let me know, and I will tell Kern I have to decline his kind invitation."

Nicole laughed again. "Somehow, I'm having a hard time picturing you at a baseball game."

"As do I."

Nicole laughed so hard she was nearly doubled over. "This isn't happening." She covered her face with her hands until her laughter subsided, then she stared at me with a look that almost stripped me naked. "This Copyright 2016 - 2024