Vampire Cabbie - By Fred Schepartz Page 0,56

you having an approach-avoidance problem? I mean, it's probably my fault. I've been practically throwing myself at you when you're obviously not in the kind of space where you can get close to somebody."

"But I am ready. You are correct. It is time for me to let go of the past."

"Then, why push me away when I get close? Why are you making up stories?"

"I am not - " I stopped myself, deciding to try a different tact. "Youdo have gypsy blood coursing through your veins? How much?"

Nicole's expression turned from concern to bewilderment. She inched a little closer. "My maternal grandmother was a hundred percent gypsy. Why?"

"Do you or did you know your grandmother at all?"

"Did. She died fifteen years ago."

"Do you remember her telling any stories about strange creatures her people had encountered over the centuries?"

"Yeah." She stretched that single syllable in an auditory gesture of feigned patience. "Just children's stories, bedtime stories about werewolves and vampires and strange creatures who were human, but had to eat raw meat."

I reached for her hand, taking it in mine, not squeezing it, just holding the soft, precious thing. "You know, back in the old country, I may have known your grandmother. In fact, I may even have known your great- or great-great-grandmother."

She yanked her hand away, abruptly stood and marched toward the door. "Okay, that's it. I've had enough." Her tone was annoyed, but still relatively calm in the placating way an overindulgent parent might speak to a petulant child. "I'm outta here. Thanks for a pleasant evening. Don't call me."

Nicole slammed the door behind her, leaving me to sit bewildered on my futon. Something metallic shimmered. She had left her father's book behind.
Chapter 8
The Consequences of Truth

Thinking with your cock?

What manner of vulgarity is that? Such a queer expression, and quite inaccurate for one such as myself, if I correctly infer your meaning.

Well, perhaps in an odd sense, you may not be totally incorrect, though the degree to which you are correct is in a largely abstract manner. My judgment was in fact skewed in this matter, and considering the alleged dedication to purpose, I had made quite a royal mess of things. Common sense should have stopped my tongue from causing any further damage.

Briefly, I considered flight. With a few thousand dollars at my disposal, transport to anywhere on the planet could be arranged. MaybeTibet . Francois was living there the last I had heard. He had made the decision to leave humanity; perhaps it was time I did the same.

No, I would not take such rash action. Nicole merely believed me insane. Frank, most likely, did not know what to believe. Surely, no one would believe him, even if he was able to articulate what he suspected about my nature.

The business with Frank was simply the kind of accident that happens to my kind on occasion. However, I cannot say what form of temporary insanity caused me to reveal myself to Nicole before knowing her well enough to consider her completely trustworthy. Wait and see what comes - this was the only viable option. No sense taking flight, not yet.

The only certainty was my responsibility to the job. Despite the situation, they still expected me to come in and drive a cab, even if the driver would be a mere shell, heart and soul too distracted to even be considered present.

Tuesday, I drove aimlessly, with little monetary gain to show for my efforts. When there were no calls in front of me, I would drive toward the intersections recited by the dispatcher, but never in time to be awarded a call. I would commence toward the nearest cab stand, until the next intersection was called, then would turn around, drive toward that call, only to be beaten.

Perhaps, if I had spent more time in a cab stand instead of constantly changing directions, the reward would have been greater.

Nicole was on the road that night. I wanted to talk to her to get a sense of whether shedid believe me insane and, if she did not, whether or not she would betray me.

A chilling realization set in, that even if she did not believe me, if she repeated what I had said, and if Frank told anyone what he suspected, someone might, as the Americans say, put two and two together.

Realizing the futility of playing the board, I drove to the airport, knowing the wait might be substantial, but eventually a customer would be there for me.

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