Vampire Cabbie - By Fred Schepartz Page 0,36

other side of the bar when you are at work?"

"Hell yeah. You guys are great customers. Always tip well. Goes hand in hand. Cabbies tip bartenders well. Bartenders tip cabbies well."

The turn onto Spaight revealed a sudden, breathtaking view. Ahead, layLakeMonona , its blackness flickering brightly under a gibbous moon, the downtownMadison skyline defining the northern shore.

The fare was two seventy-five. I flicked on the interior light and turned to collect the fare from Sheena, noticing her pleasingly rounded figure, her warm smile and her eyes, which were the color of nurturing earth.

She handed me a five-dollar bill and told me to keep the change. I watched her glide to her house, watched her open the door and step safely inside. Watched her disappear up the stairs. Watched as an upstairs light flicked on then off. Watched as she disrobed in the darkness, then disappeared, presumably into the sweet embrace of her bed, which she had said beckoned her so invitingly. Briefly, I considered parking the cab, but decided just to proceed back to the office.

"First night, huh, Al?" Dexter asked when I stepped into the dispatch office after refueling and parking my cab. He took my cab key, hung it on the appropriate hook and handed me my call slips.

"Yes, it was. Was my performance satisfactory?"

Dexter smiled and gave me a slightly quizzical look. "Not from around here, are you?"

"I have not been long living inMadison ."

"Didn't think so." He took a deep drag from a cigarette. The expelled smoke enveloped the small dispatch office in a blue haze. "Well, you're not the best rookie I've ever seen, but you're not the worst. You'll do fine. Once you get to know where things are. Just remember, if you're having a problem finding something, feel free to ask. I'd always prefer that you ask instead of spending a half-hour driving in circles."

"I appreciate it. I much prefer your attitude to that of your predecessor. He was most uncooperative."

Dexter pinched his face in disgust. "Fucking twerp! Guy's a jerk. Gets a couple dispatch shifts, and he thinks he's God's fucking gift. Hell, he's only worked here a couple years. I remember when he started. Couldn't find his own cock in the dark to save his life. Go ahead and ask him whatever questions you need answered. If he keeps acting like a cocksucker, complain to Kevin or Maureen. They'll set him straight."

"Thank you."

"De nada."

Thus, with satisfaction, that first shift ended. On the way home, driving onWilliamson Street , I suddenly recognized that Spaight was two blocks away, and Sheena's scent seemed to fill my nostrils once again.

Drive onward, fool. Yes, my pleasure was there for the taking, but I chose not to do so, common sense wisely governing my actions. Taking is most often what we do, simply because it is usually awkward to ask. However, accepting what is given is always superior to merely taking, though this lesson was one learned dear.


What remained of that first two-week pay period proceeded much in the same manner as that very first shift, with various peaks and valleys relative to the first night's revenue. The compensation was not great, but I despaired not, feeling relatively satisfied with my progress.

It was with great anticipation that I collected my first paycheck. Heavens! When had I last earned apaycheck ?

The amount of money was not large, but when would it ever be, compared with those astronomical sums of which I had been previously accustomed? Considering it was a first paycheck, in an occupation that requires experience and geographic proclivity, I found myself not displeased by the amount of money which could be deposited at my leisure in an automatic teller machine - a Tymemachine that bore the inscription, "Tyme is Money," thus sparing me the trouble of finding a bank that remains open after dark.

My enthusiasm was dashed by a memorandum attached to the paycheck:

To: Al Farkus

From: Maureen Hellenbrand, General Manager

Re: Payroll fortification

I wish to call your attention to the fact that your paycheck has been fortified to raise your hourly wage to federally mandated minimum wage. As I'm sure you know, cab drivers are paid commission. However, according to federal law, all drivers must earn no less than minimum wage. Therefore, due to your low earnings for this pay period, your paycheck has been fortified.

This being your first pay period, it is understandable that your earnings might be low. I do want to let you know that if this situation persists, you may be required Copyright 2016 - 2024