Untouched The Girl in the Box - By Robert J. Crane Page 0,70

a nasty look anyway.

“If you’re not, you’re stupid.” He turned forward again. “In case you missed it, he burned your damned hand off.”

“I can see why you’re worried; that’d be a fatal blow to your sex life.”

I heard the seething noise he made in the front seat, but he didn’t turn back around. Zack let out a soft chuckle and when Kurt turned on him, he said, “What? It was funny.”

We turned off the main highway at an intersection. After passing a few cross streets, we turned left onto the main street of the town. There was a bank across from a flower shop and a jewelry store. It looked idyllic as we pulled into the empty parallel parking spaces. I stepped out onto the curb, over the small mountain of accumulated snow, onto the sidewalk.

I felt my breath catch in my throat. My coat was buttoned, my hands were covered with gloves, but I could still feel the frigid air creeping in. I felt like I was going to turn to ice. I looked down the sidewalk, but it was empty, the streetlights shedding the only illumination. There was not another running car in sight. Agents exited the van behind us, their weapons concealed under heavy coats. Clary stretched as he got out of the vehicle in front of us, Parks and Kappler joining him as Bastian walked around from the driver’s side.

The agents huddled around Bastian, who didn’t order anyone to come over to him; they just did it automatically. I watched and nudged my way into the circle next to Zack as Roberto started to speak. “We’re gonna sweep Main Street. If you find him, do not engage. Keep eyes on target and maintain a healthy distance.” I watched him touch his ear and realized he had some kind of miniature microphone in it. I looked around the circle and saw the others with the same and felt a little irritation that I hadn’t been offered one. “We’re sticking with the same strategy. This guy can kill any of you faster than you can pull a trigger, so Clary is our point man when we find the target.”

They were all so focused, they didn’t notice a familiar (to me, anyway) figure step out of an alley across the street. “Uh, guys?” I felt the pressure of so many sets of eyeballs lock onto me, but I kept watching Gavrikov as he stepped onto the road, heading toward us. “I have eyes on target,” I said, prompting them all to swivel.

“Scatter!” Bastian’s words echoed through the night as Gavrikov burst into flames in the middle of the street and shot twenty feet into the air. Three fireballs lanced out from his hand and destroyed the front van in an explosion that sent me to my knees. He sent another blast at the jewelry store behind us, a bigger one that caused the storefront to burst into flames.

Zack was huddled behind the car, along with Kurt. One agent was down after the explosion of the van and I couldn’t tell from where I was whether he was hurt badly or not. Disregarding most of my good sense, I stuck my head up over the top of the car and yelled to Aleksandr. “Is this the message you wanted to send?”

“Hardly,” came back his reply. “That was to get your attention. You have two minutes to get back in your cars and leave this town. After that, you have until tomorrow morning at six A.M. to bring Klementina to me at the top of the IDS tower in Minneapolis. After that...” He let his voice trail off and even from where I was behind the car, I could see a smile. “Well...you’ll see in two minutes. Let us call this town...a warning. For what will happen if you don’t deliver.”

I heard Bastian scream behind me. “Back in the cars! Move out!”

I ignored the frenzied action around me and focused on Gavrikov. “Aleksandr...this isn’t the way.”

He drifted to the ground as the first van shot out of its parking place. Agents were hanging from the side and I looked back to see the one still left on the sidewalk. He was not moving. I heard Zack shout my name from the car. His hand extended toward me, fingers dangling in the air between us. Kurt was struggling with him, trying to pull him into the vehicle. One of the agents in the back punched Zack in the back of the head

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