Untouched The Girl in the Box - By Robert J. Crane Page 0,68

your girlish figure!” I turned back to Zack with a smile. “I just love antagonizing him. It’s like having a little piggy whose tail I can twist any time I want.”

He looked at me warily. “You feel better after making him feel worse?”

I ate another Swedish meatball. “Always.”

“Did Dr. Zollers give you a psychological explanation for why you do that?”

“Don’t need one. It’s because I have time and wit to spare.”

He sighed, his body uncomfortable. “There’s things you haven’t been telling me.”

I put my fork down. “In fairness, there are things I haven’t been telling anyone. It’s not like I’ve been looking forward to admitting I have Wolfe rattling ‘round up here.” I pointed to my head.

“And that you can touch other people’s dreams,” he said, quiet. He wouldn’t meet my eyes, but I thought I recognized his posture. He looked like he’d been betrayed.

“Not something I really wanted to brag about; first because I didn’t know I could trust you guys, then later, because I forgot.”

His eyes were accusatory. “You should have told us.”

“I did.” I felt a little guilt burning at me. “It just took me a little while.”

He stood. “That’s not fair, Sienna. We’ve been square with you since the word go and you’ve been holding out.” He shook his head. “I guess I expected more.”

“More what?” I snapped the words back at him. “You broke into my house, remember? I didn’t come looking for you guys, you stepped into my room with a tranquilizer gun, not vice versa. You talk about trust but you act all surprised that it’s been two weeks and I’m not ready to sign on and be a member of the team. Forgive me for not jumping in and telling you all my dirty little secrets yet.”

He stared at me evenly. “Feel better?”

“A little.” I sighed. “Seriously, though. I’ve been through the ringer with Perugini, Zollers, and now you. Can we just...talk about his later?”

“Yeah.” He looked down at his feet. “Ariadne wanted me to tell you that they assigned you a different room and moved your stuff.”

I took a slip of paper from his proffered hand. “Good timing, actually. This drug Zollers has me on to suppress Wolfe really takes it out of me.”

“Sleep tight,” he said. “I gotta get back to guard duty.”

“Zack,” I called after him when he started to leave. “I’m sorry.”

He nodded his head, just slightly, causing it to bob as he looked back to his shoes. “I know.”

“But it’s all out there now.” I looked at him hopefully. “I don’t think there’s anything else. No more secrets.” I smiled. “Now it’s just decisions to make.”

He smiled. “Get to making ‘em, will you? Kinda curious if I’m gonna be working with you or not.”

“You think you could handle that?” I smiled at him impishly. “You might have to partner with me someday.”

He looked up as though he were thinking about it, then slowly nodded, only a hint of a smile visible, arching his lips up. “I think I could handle that. You know, for the good of the team.”

I flung my napkin at him in mock outrage. “For the good of the team, eh?” He laughed, retreating. “Keep yourself out of trouble, will you? Watch out for men on fire.” I looked at my hand, now covered in a glove and felt the itching that was coming from the last layer of skin returning. “They tend to leave a mark.”

He nodded and gave me a playful salute as he left the cafeteria, Kurt trailing behind him. I rubbed my eyes. Zollers’ drug was putting me down. I looked out one of the windows; it was probably midday, the cloud cover overhead still masking the sun from my sight. I walked back to my room across the grounds, the white blankets of snow still covering to the horizon. It wasn’t quite as oppressive today, for some reason.

I followed room numbers in the dormitory to the one on the paper Zack had given me. I opened the door, feeling like I was ready to collapse. I found a room inside that was the same as the one I’d had before, which gave me a moment’s pause. I unlaced and then kicked off my boots, pulled off my shirt, throwing it straight to the garbage, then stripped off my jeans.

I fell on the bed, on my back, not bothering with the covers. The cool air tickled my exposed skin and below me I felt the silky smoothness of the bedspread.

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