Until the World Stops - L.A. Witt Page 0,59

lid over it so Tilly didn’t help herself.

When I looked at Casey…oh God. Yeah. I was definitely joining him. The look in his eyes said it would absolutely be worth my while.

“Okay.” I licked my lips and nodded toward the stairs. “After you.”

He flashed a wicked grin, then headed upstairs.

We didn’t quite make it to the shower, but whatever. Tumbling into Casey’s bed and shoving clothes off worked for me.

Didn’t matter how many times we’d done this—I could not get over how gorgeous this man was. He didn’t have a ripped bodybuilder’s physique or a six-pack or anything, but that never did much for me anyway. He was as fit as the Navy required him to be, and he was as average as I was in every way. I didn’t have to unhinge my jaw to blow him. We could both take each other without needing the kind of prep I’d needed with my larger-than-average ex. We were practically built for each other, and I loved it.

I closed my fingers around his dick, and Casey gasped, breaking the kiss. He’d just managed to reestablish it when he started stroking my cock, and this time I was the one to break away. Before long, we gave up on trying to kiss, and just kept pumping each other as we both panted into the narrow space between our lips. The way Casey was trembling and gasping turned me on even more than what he did with his hand.

“That’s it, baby,” I murmured. “Lemme see you lose it. Mmm, yeah, you’re almost there, aren’t you?”

“Ungh… Fuck.” Casey let his head fall beside mine, and he thrust into my hand. I tightened my grip, which earned me a throaty moan and a shudder, and then his whole body tensed. A breathy curse tumbled off his lips as he jerked and came all over my hand, cock, and stomach, and God help me, he gripped my cock even harder and pumped it erratically, and I lost it too.

Not two minutes after we’d tumbled into bed together, we collapsed on our backs.

“Fuck, I love quickies,” he slurred.

“Uh-huh.” I fumbled around for the box of tissues, then dropped it into the space between us on the sheet. As we cleaned ourselves off, I said, “Totally worth putting dinner on hold for a few minutes.”

Casey laughed, sounding vaguely drunk. “I didn’t fuck up your recipe, did I?”

“Nah. It was almost done—I’ll just need to heat it up a bit, and then we can eat.”

“Perfect.” He grinned. “Sex, shower, food. Perfect way to unwind.”

I chuckled, tossing my used tissues in the trash. “Yeah? One of those days, huh?”

“Ugh. Totally.” He wiped a hand over his face and released a blissful sigh. “I feel so much better now.”

I watched him, wondering if I should ask, or if he even wanted to talk about it. There had definitely been nights I’d come home from working at that place and just wanted to get laid or jerk off and not think about it anymore, never mind talk about it.

After a minute or so, he sighed and turned to me. “Shower, then food?”

“If we take a shower, we’re going to end up in bed again.”

“Right. And?”

I laughed and gave his arm a playful smack. “You go ahead.” Sitting up, I added, “I’ll get the food on.”

“Mmm, you’re the best.”

My heart flipped and I suppressed a smile. Wasn’t all that long ago that it would’ve been really weird to hear him say that to me.

We got up, and after a long, lazy kiss that almost convinced me to join him for that shower after all, I went downstairs to resume cooking while Casey showered.

Tilly was on her perch, paws curled primly over the edge and tail swishing in a way that I assumed meant she was annoyed that I’d lured Casey upstairs instead of letting him fawn all over her.

“Sorry,” I said as I turned the burner back on. “He’ll be down in a minute.”

The emphatic flip of her tail said that was unacceptable.

I just laughed and continued getting dinner ready. This felt so domestic. So easy. Like Casey and I really were a married couple with bills and jobs and a cat, instead of what we’d been in the beginning. I knew it was just because of the pandemic. If we hadn’t been on lockdown, we’d both be taking off for Tinder hookups, and once the shutdowns were over, that was what we’d go back to. This was a temporary thing to keep

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