Until the World Stops - L.A. Witt Page 0,44

to be doing dirty things with someone.

I couldn’t, though. There probably were a few people left on the app who were willing to hook up, but it was the middle of the night and the people still willing to hook up probably weren’t taking a lot of precautions against the pandemic. The only available ass out there was the last ass I should be going near.

Guess I’m on my own tonight.

Fine. I could handle it. So to speak.

Closing my eyes. I wrapped my fingers around my dick, and it only took a couple of strokes to bring it to full attention. Ooh, yeah, I definitely needed this tonight. And it would put me to sleep, too. Bonus.

I had a mental library of fantasies to carry me through—some from pornos, some from exceptionally hot experiences—and I landed on that time a buddy and I had had a few drinks during a port call in Sigonella. We’d been circling each other on the boat for a while, and once we were onshore and a little tipsy, we were raring to go. He’d pulled me into an alley behind the bar, and right there against the wall, we’d made out and groped each other until we were shaking and breathless and—

And why was I imagining Casey in his place right now?

And why did that make the memory a million times hotter?

I bit my lip and kept pumping my cock as I made myself think of my buddy instead.

But damn it, he kept turning into Casey.

Despite my best efforts, it was Casey purring dirty promises in my ear as he stroked my dick between our bodies. It was Casey feeling around in my back pocket until he found the condom I’d brought along. It was Casey up against that wall, his pants around his ankles and his fingers splayed on bricks.

“Come on.” Why was it so much sexier to hear those words in Casey’s voice? “Baby, just fuck me already.”

Oh, I had. I’d ridden his ass hard, and I’d covered his mouth with my hand to make sure he didn’t cry out loud enough to get shore patrol’s attention, and I’d sunk my teeth into his shoulder the same moment I’d blown my load, and—

The thought of slamming into Casey and coming that hard made me gasp, and the bed squeaked as my hips jerked. I froze, sure he had to have heard me from the end of the hall.

But then I didn’t care anymore. I’d been so close to that edge, so lost in imagining myself buried in Casey’s ass, I just bit my lip to stay quiet as I pumped my cock for all I was worth, and I almost let go of a loud moan as I came.

For a moment, I was completely still, just lying there with my cum-slicked hand still wrapped around my dick, my knees shaking and my heart pounding. Holy crap. When was the last time I’d gotten myself off like that? Because I was pretty sure the last time I’d come hard enough to make my head spin like this, I’d been balls deep in someone’s ass or throat.

I finally caught my breath enough to sit up. I wiped off all the cum, then collapsed back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling in the darkness.

What the fuck was happening? First I had a fun evening out with Casey. Then I couldn’t stop thinking about him while my hand was on my dick. And now, so help me, if Casey walked into my bedroom and suggested fooling around for real, I’d—

No. Really.

What the fuck was going on?

And why didn’t I want it to stop?

Chapter 13


I swallowed another Five Hour Energy, pulled my mask down over my face again, and tossed the empty container in the trash. It didn’t help. Okay, it still needed time to get into my system, but there was usually at least a placebo effect between drinking it and it actually kicking in.

Tired as I was today, though, it would probably take a hit of cocaine chased by three or four more Five Hours before I felt human again, and the Navy frowned on that approach for some reason.

I’d be all right. I could do this. I was used to being tired. Came with the territory on day shift. But damn, I had not been able to sleep last night, and I was paying for it now.

Rubbing my eyes, I sighed as I waited for the Five Hour to do its thing.

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