Until the World Stops - L.A. Witt Page 0,42

or getting someone else sick. The more this has gone on, the more I’ve realized I was kind of becoming a homebody, so going out to crowded places…” He wrinkled his nose. “It’s lost its appeal, and I don’t think that’s just because of the virus.”

“Huh. What about things like movies?”

His lips quirked, and he seemed to think about it. “I guess? I mean, I like theaters, but honestly? Even before this all started, I preferred watching movies at home.”

“Really? Why’s that?”

Tristan shrugged. “Less noise and less distraction. Well, I mean, aside from Tilly.”

I laughed. “Yeah, she always picks the most inopportune moments to start stomping on me or demanding something.”

“Exactly. But other than that, it’s less distracting. I can pause the movie if I need to. Go get a refill on my soda that doesn’t cost fifteen bucks.”

“But you don’t get the big screen and the surround sound.”

“Dude, your TV is high def and the screen is like sixty inches, and we’re only sitting a few feet away.” He chuckled as he reached for his drink. “It’s fine.”

“Hmm. Yeah. You’re not wrong.” I sighed, picking at my dinner but not really hungry anymore, and not sure if I was full or had just lost my appetite. “When things open up again, though, I am so looking forward to going to a movie. Just because I can.”

Tristan nodded. “Me too. And concerts.”

“God, yes.” I grinned. “And hey, maybe they’ll bring back drive-in movies! Your truck’s seats are comfortable as fuck.”

“Ooh, good point. Plus”—he gestured at the container of food—“we can bring our own Olive Garden instead of snacks.”

“Yes.” I pointed emphatically at him with my fork. “I like the way you think.”

Our eyes met, and we both laughed.

He was still eating, but I was definitely done, so I closed the container and slipped it into the bag at my feet. His eyebrows jumped. “You ready to go?”

“No, no. Take your time.” I sat back with my drink in hand. “I’m done eating, but I’m not in any rush.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. You’re good.”

He eyed me uncertainly, then shrugged and continued with his dinner.

And I meant it—there was no rush. In fact, I was surprised by how much I was enjoying this, and not just because I was enjoying being with Tristan. We’d both been so stressed out lately, and for a little while, we’d shut out all of that—work, money, the pandemic—and just relaxed with some food and conversation.

The whole world seemed to be on fire right now. Everything was wrong.

But grabbing takeout Olive Garden and eating it in Tristan’s truck and talking about life before things went to shit… It was good. Not normal, not something I could have envisioned even a month ago, but as good as it could get right now.

So I didn’t want him to rush, because I didn’t want this to be over yet.

And I already secretly hoped we did it again soon.

Chapter 12


It was dark when I pulled up outside the duplex. I shut off the engine, Casey gathered our leftovers, and we went inside.

Of course, Tilly was on the back of the couch waiting for us. More like waiting for Casey. As he headed for the kitchen, she jumped down and followed him, tail straight in the air and eyes fixed on the leftover container in his hand.

“No, baby.” He carefully walked so he wouldn’t step on her as she wove between his feet. “These aren’t for you.”

Why was my heart doing little fluttery things? Casey always talked to Tilly and explained to her why she couldn’t have things she wanted. Why was it any different tonight?

He disappeared into the kitchen to put the containers in the fridge. When he came back out, he had Tilly in his arms on her back with her paws in the air. She was purring loudly, paws curling and uncurling as she kneaded the air. They were so cute.

She was so cute.


The cat.

Not Casey.

Except… Except he kind of was. Especially when he was wiggling his finger so she’d bat at it, and laughing when she did.

You’re not supposed to make my heart melt.

She started to squirm, so he put her down on the back of the couch. As he petted her, he looked at me. “So, that was a nice switch. Getting out of the house, I mean.”

“Yeah, it was.” I hesitated, but finally ventured, “If you want to do it again…”

To my surprise, Casey nodded, a subtle smile on his lips. “We’ll have to be careful of our

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