Until I Find You - Rea Frey Page 0,88

buzz of neighborhood drama pulls people from their homes. It’s like the parade all over again, as neighbors vie for their prime viewing spot. She hunts for familiar faces in the sea of strangers, ball caps, and high ponytails.

Caroline steps behind the podium. She folds her thin hands in front of her pressed mulberry pants. She leans in and the crowd hushes. “We will get started in exactly thirty minutes. Thank you all so much for coming.” Her voice booms across the playground. She presses her hands to her lips in an invisible kiss and opens them in a gracious thank-you. Diamond-encrusted bangles travel up her wrists toward her elbows. The jewels twinkle as they catch the last remnants of sun. Caroline’s eyes reveal nothing behind her Dior sunglasses. Is she wondering where Rebecca is too?

Crystal scans the crowd again, but she doesn’t see her. After she left Bec this afternoon, her mind spun on a continuous loop. The station had been quick. She told Officer Toby exactly what happened when Bec arrived at her house and that Jackson had been in his stroller the entire time. It had made her uncomfortable how much Toby had probed her about Rebecca’s character, but she told them what an amazing mother she is. She left the station feeling like she’d done something wrong—like they weren’t pumping her for information to find Jackson—more like they were building a case to take him away. She almost called Bec to warn her, but she didn’t want her to worry about one more thing.

Back at home, Crystal had looked at her daughter with fresh eyes. She wasn’t angry about her stealing Paul’s things. She just wanted to know why she felt the need to lie.

Instead of interrogating her daughter or getting lost in a sea of work emails, they’d made an early dinner and baked cookies, and then Pam had started a movie for Savi when Crystal had to leave. She’d ignored the knife twisting her gut. Was Savi right? Did she always leave?

Crystal walks the perimeter of the park and sits on a bench. The crowd grows and strengthens. The collective buzz of something happening builds. She watches neighbors wave and chat like it’s just a casual gathering. Groups form then separate. Crystal ignores that outsider feeling—the one where she’s part of a community, but not included in what makes up the community. Friendships. Neighbors. PTA meetings. Bake sales. It’s what she recognized in Rebecca too—that they are different.

Some unruly children break free from their parents to climb the monkey bars and zip down slides. A few dads lose sight of their kids and bark out names. Mothers shift and whisper behind cupped palms. If there’s a kidnapper on the loose, then no one is immune, right? Speculation tumbles and ripples like a wave. Crystal adjusts her sunglasses and leans forward to pick up a book a little girl accidentally dropped.

“Here you go.”

The girl secures it to her chest and doesn’t say thank you. Stranger danger is in full effect, it seems. After glimpsing all the kids, she realizes she could have brought Savi, but she doesn’t want to expose her to anything else that could create a sense of anxiety.

“Long time no see,” Jess says behind her.

Crystal turns to wave. Jess’s brown, curly hair has caught the humidity and expanded. Her curvy figure looks perfect in her denim jumpsuit and Vans. Jess offers her a sincere smile. Baxter is in his carrier. Rob stands behind his wife, hands thrust into both pockets.

“Where’s Savi?” Jess asks.

“At home with the nanny.”

Jess sighs as she sits. “What a day, huh?”

“That’s putting it mildly,” Crystal says.

“Ladies.” Officer Toby approaches the bench, and Crystal inwardly groans. He garners a few looks and comments from the crowd, as he’s still in his police uniform. He shakes Rob’s hand and the two launch into light conversation. Jess leans in and runs her fingers through Baxter’s curls. “Is she here?”

Crystal knows she means Rebecca. “Not that I’ve seen, no.” Crystal takes another quick inventory of the playground. “Have you talked to her since this afternoon?”

“Won’t return my texts.”

Bodies crush and sway in the small space. If there was beer and a band, she could almost trick herself into believing this was some lovely summer concert and not a vigil for her friend’s missing son.

“Do you think she’ll come?” Jess asks.

“Of course she will.” The words are out of Crystal’s mouth before she can really think them through. Will she come? Would she

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