Until I Find You - Rea Frey Page 0,71

You’re not on my schedule today. Are you okay?”

I open my mouth but I can’t find the words. Her arm is around me in an instant. Dr. Gibbons addresses her assistant. “Push my next two appointments.” She guides me into her office and I sit on the couch.

“Okay, what’s going on?”

The words gather in my throat. I bat away the skepticism. What if she doesn’t believe me? At this point, it’s a chance I’m willing to take. “Someone swapped my son.” My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. The words sound preposterous, even now, knowing that it happened. But I confide in Dr. Gibbons. She listens. The scribble of her pen scratches paper. The noise distracts me and I lose my train of thought. I stutter over my words.

“Rebecca.” She leans in as she did the first time. “Take a breath. I’m here. You don’t have to convince me of anything. You just have to talk.”

I rub the baby’s back. His limbs are warm and sticky. “Can you show me to the bathroom? I need to change him.” She ushers me to the door, which is by the reception area. I change his diaper and collect my thoughts. Once he’s situated, I splash some cold water on my face and flick off the light. I hesitate before opening the door. Dr. Gibbons whispers to her receptionist.

“Call Dr. Marley. I think she needs a serious psych evaluation. I’m not sure if the baby is safe. We can take extra precautions after if need be.”

I press my ear against the door, certain I’m mistaken. I pull back, frantic. I root around the cool wood to listen for more, but she’s stopped talking. My heart thuds against my ribs. The baby cries. Who is Dr. Marley? And what extra precautions could she be talking about?

It was a mistake to come here. Why did I think it was safe? I count to ten in my head, rearrange my face, and open the door.

“Dr. Gibbons is waiting in her office.” The receptionist’s voice drips with forced cheerfulness.

“I just need to make a quick phone call.” My voice tapers as I fumble for the door. I trip on the edge of a chair. My knee throbs but I keep walking at a fast clip until I reach the exit.

“Are you okay?”

“Fine. I’ll be right back.”

I open the door and walk just out of sight. When I’m past the office, I jog back toward the elevator and stab the button.

“Rebecca!” Dr. Gibbons’s voice floats down the hall.

“Come on,” I whisper. I stab the button over and over, like that will force the elevator doors to part.

The swift clip of her shoes closes the gap between me and the elevator. I stab the button one more time and the doors magically wrench apart. I step on and press a button—any button—to get the doors to close.


Her voice cuts away as the doors shut. I exhale the breath I’ve been holding and resist sliding to the floor. In the lobby, I slink out and wonder if security is going to be waiting for me, but I hear the same crush of people as before. I find the handicap button, wait for the door to open, and push out into the Chicago day. I recount my steps to the car and knock on the glass. Jake stabs the door lock, and I pull open the back door and strap the baby in the car seat with shaking hands.

“That was fast,” Jake observes. “Do you need help?”

I shake my head and listen for Dr. Gibbons. I get in the car, yank the door closed, and fasten my seat belt. “Just drive.”

He puts the car into gear wordlessly. I close my eyes and lean against the window.

The simple, hard truth ignites my brain: nowhere is safe.



Jess opens the door in a denim jumpsuit, her curly hair piled high on her head. Baxter balances on one hip, his chubby legs splayed and kicking. “Hey,” she says, surprised. She sets him down and he takes off crawling toward the back of the house. “What’s up?”

“I’m looking for Bec.” Crystal keeps her voice calm, but inside, she’s unglued.

“She’s not here.”

Crystal unfolds the flyer and thrusts it into Jess’s hand. “What’s going on? I haven’t heard from her. She told me she had an emergency, but she won’t answer any of my calls.”

Jess sighs. “Come in.” She hitches her head toward the foyer and opens the door wider. Crystal steps into the monstrous entryway.

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