Until I Find You - Rea Frey Page 0,60

on the phone with Toby right now.”

“Can he get the Amber Alert issued?”

“He’s trying.” She hooks an arm around me to guide me back, but I pull away. “Come inside,” she insists.

I waver on her front porch—if I go inside, I’m waiting on the police. If I go on my own, I’m what? Walking in circles? The impatience sears my brain, but I do as I’m told because I can’t think of a better option.

Jess holds the door for me. I step inside. Rob’s booming voice expands through the entire kitchen. I sit on the sofa, my fingers digging into the cushion. After a few interminable minutes, he appears.

“Let’s go,” he says. “We’re heading to the station.”



By the time they’re done with the parade and back at home, Crystal’s legs ache, and they are both sweaty. “Can I go play?” Savi asks before they’re even inside.

“Of course.” Crystal shuts the door and glances at the empty living room. They haven’t talked much about the fire, but now that Paul’s boxes are gone, she has to admit the room feels better.


Crystal checks her phone again like an obsessive teen waiting to hear back from a love interest, but there’s nothing new from Rebecca. She wants to know what’s going on, but she also doesn’t want to bother her if she needs space. She remembers those dark days—the days where you don’t want to talk to anyone. She still has them.

There’s also a new text from Pam that says she’s on her way over. Good. That will give her some time to run errands and get on with her day.

The music begins, and though it is now as familiar to her as breathing, she still revels in it. Crystal imagines Savi up there with her smeared tiger paint, window open, totally in the zone. Paul didn’t get to see the depth of his daughter’s talent. He’d only attended a few recitals these last few years, always so busy with work. Because he was a no-show on more than one occasion, Crystal made it a point to show up no matter what. She’s never missed a single performance. Again, the terror of so much solo responsibility bears down.

What if you make promises you can’t keep?

The bow stops, and Crystal waits. The unexpected silence startles her, and her heartbeat quickens.

“Crystal?” Pam lets herself in. Dust particles float around her head. Jesus. When was the last time I vacuumed?

“Sorry I didn’t call you back. We were at the parade.”

“You were! When?” Pam sets down her bag.

“Just a little while ago.” Crystal stares at Pam distractedly. The house is too quiet. Everything is too quiet. “Everything good?”

Pam offers a tentative smile. “Yes. How about here? Savi okay?”

“Hi.” Savi appears around the corner and waves her bow in the air.

“Hey, you. I brought you something.” Pam turns her attention to Savi.

Another peace offering, Crystal thinks. Pam extracts something big and bulky from her bag. “I saw you eyeing this the last time we were out.”

“Yay!” Savi rips it from Pam’s hands.

“What is it?” Crystal asks.

“It’s a magic kit with a disappearing cloak!” She hugs Pam around the middle. “Thank you!” She runs back upstairs to tear into the kit.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” Crystal says. She doesn’t remind Pam that presents will only reinforce bad behavior.

Pam shifts uncomfortably. “Look, I’m so sorry things got so messed up. I promise we’re turning over a new leaf.”

Crystal waits for more, but Pam doesn’t elaborate. The silence roars through her ears. Her phone slices through the tension. “Sorry, I’ve been expecting this call.” She steps onto the front porch and answers. “Bec? Are you okay?”

There’s only rustling on the other end. She looks at the phone as if that will give her an answer and tries again. “Bec? Can you hear me?” Bec’s voice muffles in the background, and Crystal realizes she must have accidentally called her. She listens for a few minutes, then hangs up. At least she’s okay.

Inside, Pam has already disappeared. She walks up the spiral staircase. In Savi’s room, Savi excitedly takes Pam through her latest magic trick. Pam oohs and ahhs in all the right places. To her relief, Savi doesn’t seem agitated, annoyed, or frustrated. Maybe it’s the boxes being removed. Maybe it’s the fact that she was finally honest with Crystal about wanting to feel better. Talking helps. Maybe it’s … She walks down the hall as snapshots corkscrew her conscience. Paul. The crash. What came after.

She shuts the heavy door and collapses

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