Until I Find You - Rea Frey Page 0,56

baby. I’m sure passersby are staring, but I can’t seem to stop. I drop my head toward my knees, the baby firmly against my chest.

“Okay, okay, it’s okay.” Jess’s arms are around me. I shake her off, the baby still in my arms, and move a few feet away.

“Get me out of here.” My voice is a whisper. “I need to get out of here. I can’t … it’s too much. I just want Jackson.”

“Hey, I know. Come here. Let’s get you home.” She helps fit him back into the carrier. Her free arm is firmly around me. Finally, I collapse against her.

“I’m so tired,” I say. “So tired.”

“I know.” Jess’s voice isn’t sarcastic, happy, or full of disbelief. In it, I hear only empathy.

She believes me. This small thing suddenly feels so big. As we leave the parade, the street grows eerily quiet. My cell cuts through the silence, and I jump.

I remove the phone from my pocket and show Jess the screen.

“It’s Jake,” Jess says, breathless.

I swipe to answer.

“Rebecca.” His voice is certain.

Everything in me charges to attention. I hold my breath, wait.

“I’ve got something.”



Crystal and Savi walk parallel to the parade, which is already in full swing.

“Look at this.” Crystal can’t help but smile. “It’s like stepping back in time.”

Savi crunches the end of her ice cream cone and wipes a hand across her lips. “There are so many people.”

The parade drifts by. The local high school marching band blows their horns slightly off tune. She claps and assesses the crowd. There are so many neighbors she hasn’t yet met, so many fun things they need to do.

“Hey! Crystal, right?”

Crystal turns to find a familiar-looking woman, but she can’t remember her name.

The petite blonde motions to her chest. “Beth,” she says. “A friend of Jess and Bec’s?”

“Yes, right. Good to see you.”

Beth motions toward Savi. “Is this your daughter?” Beth leans forward and smacks her hands against her thighs like she’s talking to a five-year-old. “I’m Beth.” She extends her hand and Savi reaches a palm, sticky with ice cream, into hers and pumps it up and down in a firm motion like she’s been taught.

“I’m Savi,” she says. “Nice to meet you.”

“That’s quite a handshake you have there, Savi.” Beth extricates her hand and inconspicuously wipes it on her yoga pants.

Crystal sighs and turns to Savi. “Savi, give it back.”

Savi looks up at her innocently, her expression pleased. “Give what back?”

Crystal holds out her hand. Savi rolls her eyes and places Beth’s watch in Crystal’s hand.

“What in the…?” Beth touches her bare wrist. “How did you do that?”

Savi displays both hands, still sticky with chocolate, and waves her fingers. “Magic.”

“Well that’s quite the talent you have,” Beth says as she clasps her watch.

Crystal searches for Beth’s baby … Trevor, if she’s remembering right. Bec has filled her in on the attachment parenting thing. She looks at her, confused. “Where’s your little one?”

Something flashes across Beth’s face, then vanishes. “Oh, he’s at home. I didn’t want to subject him to all the noise.” She looks between them. “Are you meeting Bec?”

Crystal shakes her head. “I haven’t heard from her, actually. Have you?”

“Not today.” Beth dabs her forehead. “Hot, huh?” She turns toward the parade and waves at someone. “I’m going to meet up with some friends, but it was great to see you! And you, Savi. I’ve got my eyes on you.” Beth motions to her own eyes and then at Savi. She squeezes Crystal’s forearm and then bounds off down the street to join a fit group of women in matching yoga pants. They all carry lattes. Crystal watches their easy banter and longs for the same. How long has it been since she’s belonged to a group? Since she’s met up on a weekend to grab brunch and just enjoy the company of other women?

She brushes aside the pointless thoughts and turns to Savi. Except Savi isn’t there.

“Savi?” Fear constricts her breathing. “Sav?” She scans the street left to right, but there’s no sign of her. She steps off the curb as the last of the parade rushes by. Suddenly, everything’s too loud. She attempts to get her bearings. She turned away for what—maybe a minute? She searches the stalls around her, full of trinkets and local finds. Savi is good at hiding, but she wouldn’t just run off in a parade unless there was a reason.

Crystal reads the names of the shops across the street. What could have caught Savi’s eye? That’s when she

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