Until Harry - L.A. Casey Page 0,103

walking up the left pathway that would lead him to the section where Kaden, my uncle and my aunt were buried.

“It’s really sad what happened to his kid. I can’t imagine what he must be going through.”

I liked that he said “going” instead of “went”. Daven knew that losing someone wasn’t a particular feeling that lasted for a certain amount of time; it was something you had to live with for the rest of your life. I looked from Kale to Daven when he cleared his throat.

“Give me your number,” he said, grinning, “so we can set up a playdate.”

I laughed again and called out my number to him, watching as he saved it into the contacts on his phone. He winked at me and then gave Lavender’s picture a kiss.

I heard him murmur, “Catch you later, babygirl.”

When he stood up, he wiggled his phone at me. “Speak to you soon.”

“I look forward to it,” I said.

Daven left then; as he walked down the pathway towards the cemetery exit, I switched my gaze to Kale. I found him standing in front of Kaden’s grave, his hands in his pockets as he stared down at the headstone. I wanted to go over to him, but I didn’t want to intrude. Instead, I sat back down on Lavender’s grave and smiled at her picture.

“You’re taking care of Daven, I see.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry I never saw what you did, but I’m seeing him now, and you were right: he is pretty fabulous.”

I chuckled and then sat in silence for a while, picking blades of grass out of the ground and cutting them with my nails. I was about to talk some more to Lavender when a shadow fell over me. I looked up and Kale was standing over me.

“Hey,” I said, smiling, and got to my feet, brushing my jeans down as I stood.

He nodded and joined me in looking down at Lavender’s grave. I frowned as I stared at the picture of my beautiful friend who was taken far too soon.

“I saw Daven Eanes over here with you,” Kale mentioned after a moment. “Did he give you any trouble? I know you never got on well with him.”

I chuckled. “It was fine. I think we actually just became friends. He was visiting Lav and found me here instead.”

“I see him here a lot,” Kale commented. “He brings her fresh flowers every week. Sometimes his wife and kids are with him, and they keep her headstone clean and the area around it nice and tidy. He’s pretty close to her parents too.”

That brought me a great deal of comfort.

I exhaled. “It’s insane to think he is married with kids. So many people that I went to school with are all moving forward and doing normal things people do when they grow up. They fall in love, get married and have kids. I feel stuck in time. Right now, I feel like I’m twenty again and just buried Lavender.”

“I feel like that every day, kid,” Kale sighed. “It’s been five years since my Kaden died, and it still feels like I just lowered him into the ground.”

My heart hurt for him.

“I hope it gets easier for you, Kale, I really do.”

He didn’t reply, but looked back to Lavender’s picture.

“She was one of the greatest people ever,” I said, smiling. “She came into my life right when I needed her; it was like she was my guardian angel. She helped save me from myself.”

I shivered when Kale’s arm slid around my waist.

“I’ll be forever grateful to her for that,” he murmured.

I looked up at him and sorrowfully smiled. “This hurts.”

“I know, darling.”

“Before anyone I knew had died, there was a time when I used to come here with my dad,” I mused. “We’d take a shortcut through here to get to the playing field through the hedges, and I remember thinking, even though I was little, that I wouldn’t like to say goodbye to anyone I loved. Now my aunt, uncle, friend and best friend’s son are buried here. I still can’t believe Lavender is gone, and I don’t think I’ll ever get over my uncle and Kaden.”

Kale kissed the crown of my head.

“Life throws curve balls at you, Laney Baby. There will always be something unexpected. We just have to pick up the pieces the ball smashes and try to put them back together.”

I frowned. “I’m not as strong as you, Kale.”

He turned me to face him. “Are you joking?”


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