Until December - Aurora Rose Reynolds Page 0,89

she sobs.

“What happened?” I ask, still not sure of what took place. Really, I don’t know if I have the stomach to handle knowing what happened.

“One of the teachers, Mr. Jetson….” She hiccups. “I guess he was fired last Friday at the end of day. The…. the principal saw him walk into the school today and went to talk to him and ask him why he was there. He… he pulled out a gun on her and tried to shoot her, but she managed to get out of the way. The… the janitor saved her. He heard the shot and was able to sneak up on Jetson and take him down before he was able to hurt anyone.”

Jesus, I hold her tighter and bury my face in her hair. Having seen this same thing play out on the news way too fucking often, I know exactly how lucky each and every person in that school was today. “Until the police came to clear my room, I didn’t know what was going on. All I knew was there were shots being fired in the school and it was my job to protect those kids. I was so scared.”

“I know, baby.” I run my hand down her back. “I know, but you’re safe. They’re all safe.”

“Yeah,” she whispers, leaning back to wipe the tears off her cheeks. “Can… can we get the boys and go home now?”

“Yeah, baby.” I tuck some hair behind her ear then kiss her forehead, nose, and lips before turning her and tucking her under my arm. I look at my mom and her parents. “We’re going to find the boys and get them home. If you’re up to it, you can join us for dinner.”

My mom looks at December and her face softens. “I think you and your family need some time alone, honey. I’ll be over—”

“You are our family,” December cuts in, reaching out her hand toward my mom, who looks at it for a moment before taking it and pulling her away from me for a hug.

When she leans back, she takes a hold of December’s face. “Have some time with your boys, I’ll be over later. Okay?”

“Okay.” December whispers and mom nods before letting her go so her parents, who are standing close, can hug her. When they release her, I tuck her back against my side.

“We’ll meet you guys at the house in a bit,” Asher says placing his arm around his wife who’s crying.

I lift my chin and let out the breath I feel like I’ve been holding forever then take my woman to go get our boys and take them home.


“I’m glad you’re okay.” I hear Mitchell say later that evening as I’m dumping pasta into the pot of boiling water on the stove.

“Me too,” Max says, and even though I can’t see them from where I’m standing, I still know the three of them are sitting side by side on the couch, exactly where they all ended up as soon as we got home.

“Do you guys know I love you?” December asks, and my jaw clenches so tight I think I might crack teeth.

“Yeah,” Mitchell replies at the same time as Max.

“Good, don’t ever forget it,” she murmurs, and I squeeze my eyes closed.

Stepping away from the stove, I wrap my fingers around the edge of the counter, drop my head forward, and close my eyes. Like my boys, December has become vital to me, a living, breathing extension of my heart, a part of me that I know I wouldn’t be able to live without. Until her, I never believed in happily ever afters, but I know she was brought into my boys’ and my life to prove they really do exist.



“YOU DID OKAY for yourself, baby girl.” I look up as my dad comes to stand next to me then lean into him when he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

“I did, didn’t I?” I reply quietly, turning to watch my boys mingle with my family like they have always belonged.

“They love you.”

“I love them,” I say, then add, “I always knew I wanted to find a guy who loved me as much as you do. I just never thought I would.” His arm gets tighter. “I’m glad I was wrong about that.”

“Me too.” He kisses my hair and my eyes close.

“Thank you for being the best Dad in the world.” I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head against his chest.

“I think your guys

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