Untamed (Rejected Mate Academy #1) - E. M. Moore Page 0,71

and the three of us thought this would make it easier so you didn’t have to do it in front of everyone. Plus, I’ve told them my true feelings, and they’re behind us completely, Kinsey. I wanted you to see it from them. I thought it might help with tonight.”

“Really?” A tiny ray of hope breaks through my walls.

He nods. “Really. They’re good people.”

I take a deep breath as he crosses in front of the truck and opens the door for me. My legs feel like they’re suddenly boneless as he leads me up the brick steps. He knocks twice on the door before opening it. A large, brightly lit entryway looms before us with the most gorgeous chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I only pull my attention away from it when Jonah’s mother comes around the corner, her own heels clicking over the marble tile at our feet.

She’s wearing an even more posh dress than I am, a silk scarf around her neck and ears dripping with diamonds. Her warm smile reminds me of her son’s, and it helps soothe my nerves. “Kinsey, how nice to finally meet you.”

I take her offered hand. “Mrs. Livestrong, I’m so glad we could connect. What a lovely home you have.”

Greet and compliment. Greet and compliment.

Her smile widens. “It’s Cindy. Johnathan is putting his tie on. Would you like to come to the sitting room for a moment?”

Jonah leans down and kisses his mom on the cheek. Side by side, she looks so fragile compared to her son. I’m even an inch or two taller than her, and I know Mr. Livestrong is a huge, hulking man like Jonah.

I walk through a short hallway in awe and am suddenly very wary of when Jonah meets my parents. Mom and Dad made our house up as much as they could, but it’s nothing like this. It’s aged, and though decorated, there’s not the sense of finery that this house has.

“What a wonderful dress you have on, Kinsey. Where did you get it?”

My cheeks flame. “Well, to be honest, my etiquette teacher purchased it for me through the school. I’d be happy to ask her and pass it on.”

Mrs. Livestrong doesn’t miss a beat. “She has a wonderful eye. It’s gorgeous on you.”

“Thank you. I’ll definitely tell her. I’m sure she’d be delighted to hear that.”

“I think it’s the girl wearing it,” Jonah says softly.

His mom stands back, studying the two of us. She stares for a full minute before nodding once as if she’s just made up her mind about something. “I believe you’re correct, Jonah. You two complement one another well. It reminds me of when your dad and I were your age.”

Jonah chuckles. “You found him infuriating.”

“Then it really is like us.” As soon as I say it, I want to kick myself, but the laugh that bursts from Jonah’s mom’s painted lips make it all worth it.

Jonah brushes his shoulder with mine, smiling down at me. A moment later, Johnathan Livestrong enters the room. He bypasses his wife and son and comes straight to me. “Kinsey Walker, welcome to our home.”

His imposing figure doesn’t scare me half as bad since I’ve been around Jonah. If I hadn’t, I’d be quaking. “Thank you for having me, sir.”

He shakes my hand, his grip dwarfing mine, just as his son’s does. “Did I hear we were comparing notes on mates?” He grins at Jonah. “I bet you find Kinsey as infuriating as I found your mother.”

Mrs. Livestrong smacks his chest good-naturedly, and I smirk. “He does. He’s told me many times,” I assure him.

His deep baritone laugh calms me. This isn’t half bad. If this is indicative of how dinner at the alpha’s house will go, I might just make it out of there alive tonight.

We make small talk for a few more minutes until Mr. Livestrong announces that he wants to show Jonah a new gadget they got in for their business. Jonah’s mom looks at the both of them as if she wants to scold them, but instead, she leads me to the couch, shaking her head as they walk away. “Never dreamed I’d have a son who would turn out exactly like his father.”

“Jonah certainly takes after his stature,” I muse, staring down the hallway they disappeared through. He’s already left me alone again. Lucky for him, I don’t believe Mrs. Livestrong is going to go all Mean Girls on me.

“Kinsey,” Jonah’s mom starts, and when I gaze at her, I

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