Untamed (Rejected Mate Academy #1) - E. M. Moore Page 0,21

fists. “You’re kidding me. You got a makeover?” She leans into my face, and I pull away, hitting my head on the wall.

“Space,” Nathan warns Mia.

She automatically backs up. “My advisor never offered me that. What the hell?”

I peer around the room. Nathan’s gazing at me expectantly. Nadia seems interested, too. “Seriously? So, no one gets the same treatment here?”

Mia groans, throwing herself on the bed again. “No, all the advisors have their own way of doing things. Damn. I wish I’d gotten that opportunity.”

I press my lips together, nibbling them in thought. Ms. Ebon certainly seems as if she has her own unique style. Now I feel bad that I brought it up.

“So, what’s this about your mate thinking you’re good looking?” Nathan asks.

Again, my heart swells of its own volition, no matter how much I try to temper it. “He filled out a questionnaire, and Ms. Ebon showed it to me.”

“I bet that felt good,” Nadia offers, speaking up for the first time. Her voice is so low and sweet. My head snaps toward her, and she nearly jumps.

I’ve been trying not to process how that felt because I didn’t like the initial wash of warmth his compliment gave me. My mate thinks I’m beautiful. A twist of pleasure sinks into my chest. I seek out my wolf, wondering if it’s coming from her, and it isn’t. It’s coming from me, which makes it worse.

Nadia’s lower lip wobbles. “I’d kill to have any kind of information.”

My eyebrows draw together as I watch her dissolve into tears. I sit there while Mia goes to her, giving her a hug. I peek at Nathan, and he’s staring at the new girl with pity and something akin to understanding. My wolf sighs, watching the show with a tortured expression. Her own feelings overwhelm me, and I push them down again. Is it wrong to think that I’ve already given my pack enough tears? Spending any on someone who’s supposed to be my bonded one screams wrong.

Eventually, Nadia sniffles, and Mia gives her a little space. She whispers something to the new girl, and Nadia gives a soft smile and nods. “Sorry,” the new girl chuckles nervously after she’s pulled herself together. “I can’t seem to stop crying. My advisor told me to come back when I did, so hopefully that will happen soon. I can’t wait for the first meet-and-greet where I get to see him again.” She swallows.

I harden my heart. It’s as if I physically reach into my chest cavity and squeeze the pumping muscle to keep it from wrenching further apart. I’m nothing like this girl, but that doesn’t mean I’m a heartless bitch. I feel for her. “I’m sure everything will turn out okay,” I offer.

I’ve never had to console someone before, so hopefully my attempt doesn’t ring insincere. I feel for everyone in this place, but it’s not pity or grief—I’m mad on their behalf.

“Let me walk you to your room,” Mia suggests. She leads Nadia out with an arm around her shoulders. “See you tomorrow,” she calls out behind their retreating bodies, waving over her head.

“See you tomorrow,” I agree, frowning at my manual. I guess it’s time to get to work.

Nathan stands. He lingers at the door until their footsteps start echoing down the stone hall. “Nadia’s mate,” he snarls, “…is her best friend.”

“Wait. What?” I snap.

“I know,” he growls. “Fucked up, isn’t it?”

“What a dick.” My hands sink into the sheets. What kind of asshole sends his best friend here?

Nathan sighs, shaking his head. “See you tomorrow, Kinsey.”

I nod as he leaves the room, and I can’t believe that someone would send their best friend here. It just doesn’t compute.

Mentally stewing, I pick the manual up and start from the beginning. The first chapter is basically a long list of rules. Some of them I’ve heard before like, “access to the communal first-floor areas is forbidden after 7 p.m.” There are also rules about the uniform that don’t take long to internalize as they’re pretty basic. Don’t make any alterations. Got it.

The last rule piques mine and my wolf’s interest, though. Shifting. There’s a minor reference that states shifting in the academy is forbidden, and I cringe; however, that’s not the one that pricks my arm. We’re allowed to run in the south lawn until 10 p.m. but going outside Greystone Academy’s perimeter is forbidden.

“Good to know.” My wolf raises her head, panting, as if she’s excited about the prospect of stretching her

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