Untamed Delights (The Phoenix Pack #8) - Suzanne Wright Page 0,67

did his business, brushed his teeth with a spare toothbrush he found in a drawer, then pulled on his clothes.

Checking his phone, he noticed a text message from Taryn asking how Mila was doing. The nosy she-wolf was also poking for information on how Mila had responded to his insistence that she was now his. He rattled off a quick reply, assuring her that all was well, and then went in search of Mila. He found her sitting on the living room sofa, sipping coffee while reading something on her cell phone.

“Coffee’s in the pot, if you want me to get you some,” she said without looking up.

He dropped a kiss on her head. “I’ll get it.” When he returned from the kitchen, she was still preoccupied with her cell phone. Mug in hand, he settled on the sofa next to her and nipped the tip of her ear. “What are you reading?”

“The numerous texts I received from my pride mates this morning, asking how I was feeling. Many of them are also fishing for details on whether or not you stayed.”

Marveling at how it didn’t feel the slightest bit weird or awkward to be waking and spending his morning with Mila, he said, “Taryn, my Alpha female, wanted to know if you were okay and whether you’d accepted that you’re mine. The pack is going to want to meet you.” He splayed his hand on her thigh. “I want them to meet you.”

“I can’t tonight. We’re invited to my parents’ home for dinner.”

“Sounds good.”

“You say that now. But my mother’s brothers will be there.”

Dominic’s eyes widened. “More wolverines? Excellent.”

Mila shook her head in disbelief. “Yeah, you definitely have some screws loose.”

“Will they be pissed to hear that there’ll be no arranged mating?”

“Don’t know.” She gave him a patronizing smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from them.”

“Good of you.” Tracing the brand on her neck, he asked, “How do you think your pride will feel about this?”

“Probably glad, since it means I won’t be moving to Russia. None of them were happy about it. My parents will no doubt be ecstatic that their little plot to get us together worked. They think you’re the shit. Honestly, I was surprised they didn’t change their minds about you after seeing that long list of names in the online article.”

He winced. “Makes me look like a player, doesn’t it?”

“You’re not a player. You didn’t play anyone. You just did your best to keep people at bay. One day, when you’re ready, you’re gonna tell me why.” It was a statement, but it held no pressure.

He squeezed her thigh. “Yeah, one day.”

“I noticed Charlene was on that list.” She sipped her coffee. “That explained a few things.”

He frowned. “What things?”

“You know, that she feels she has some sort of . . . well, I wouldn’t say claim to you, but there’s a little possessiveness there.”

Dominic shook his head, having never picked up on such a thing. “She’s mated.”

“Like you once said to me, just because someone is imprinted on another doesn’t mean they can’t still have lingering feelings for someone they were previously involved with. You were once involved with Charlene.” Mila took another drink from her cup. “She has a proprietary note to her voice when she talks about you.”

His hackles rising for a reason he couldn’t quite explain, Dominic narrowed his eyes. “And she talked to you about me?”

Mila nodded. “A few times.”

“Saying what, exactly?”

“The first night you spoke to me at the club, she later warned me in a very friendly way that I wouldn’t get a happily-ever-after from you. You know, like she was just looking out for me. The day after she caught us coming out of that little alcove where you’d kissed me, she sent me a text—I’m guessing she got my number from the employee files or something—saying that she’d heard about the jackal attack, hoped I was okay, and that she was very thankful that you had been there to intervene. She then cautioned me to remember that you were a ladies’ man, and I shouldn’t read anything into your concern for me. Said she believed the only person you’d ever commit to would be your true mate.”

Motherfucker. Confused as to why the fox would interfere like that, Dominic shook his head. “Charlene knows I’ve never been eager to find my true mate. At one time, she was very much the same, which was why I was comfortable having a brief fling with her as opposed

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