Untamed Delights (The Phoenix Pack #8) - Suzanne Wright Page 0,59

you to keep your distance from her. You haven’t spouted a single cheesy line to any of the females. Haven’t even left pack territory much, which I’m guessing is because you didn’t trust that you wouldn’t go to her. Your wolf wanders off during the pack runs, still pissed as hell at Trey. But your wolf isn’t the only one who’s possessive of her, is he?”

Dominic’s grip on the steering wheel flexed. “No.”

Dante’s tone softened a little as he said, “Stop trying to find a reason why you want her so badly. Just accept that you do. Let yourself have her.”

“If you’re thinking it’s not that simple because she’s not your true mate and has made plans to enter into an arranged mating, you’re wrong,” said Trey. “It’s only as complicated as you allow it to be.”

Dante nodded. “I know you well enough to know you worry you’ll be a shit partner, Dominic. But honestly, I don’t think that’s going to be an issue here. It would be if she were your true mate because, to you, a bond like that can be a trap—you’d have automatically held back from her. But you don’t have that worry with Mila. You know she’s not your true mate. You know that no mating urge will suddenly strike you and take the decision from you. You know you have a way out if you need one—the same way out that your father desperately needed. Imprinting bonds can be broken without either party turning rogue. But they can also be as strong as true-mate bonds if the couple pour everything they are into it.”

“I think what Dante is trying to say is, ‘For the love of all that’s holy, do not walk away from this girl—give it what you’ve got.’” Trey raised a brow at the Beta. “Is that about right?”

Dante pursed his lips. “Yeah, that sums it up. Well, Dom, what are you going to do?”

Reaching a red light, Dominic eased up on the pedal. “The same thing I’d decided to do before I even hopped into this SUV: I’m going to tell her I’ve decided that she’s mine.”

There was a long beat of silence, and then Dante and Trey exchanged a look.

“Our boy’s growing up,” said Trey.

“About damn time,” muttered Dante, but he was smiling.


Mila wasn’t the least bit impressed to once again have a bunch of infuriated cats in her apartment. What made it even more irritating was that it wasn’t just a handful of people this time. No, most of the pride had gathered in her apartment—which was driving her very territorial cat crazy. Especially since two of them were Joel and Adele.

On first arriving, Joel had given Mila a tight hug and then spent a good fifteen minutes trying to convince her to move in with him and Adele for a short while so that she wouldn’t be alone. She’d declined of course, which almost led to a shouting match. But one look from Valentina had made him snap his mouth shut. Now he was standing on the other side of the room, seething, while Adele did her best to calm him.

Mila had anticipated his anger. He didn’t want her for himself, but some deep-seated part of him couldn’t stand the idea of her being unsafe—wanted to protect and watch over her. But since her cat viewed that as an imposition, she kept hissing and spitting at him.

Pulling her attention away from Joel, Mila gave the room a once-over. Her pride mates weren’t just pissed; they were shocked. They’d never felt unsafe in the building before. They’d always considered it impenetrable. Well, impenetrable by anyone other than a wolverine—there was no keeping a wolverine out of anywhere they didn’t want to be.

Speaking of wolverines . . . So far her mother hadn’t said a single word, which was bad. A quiet Valentina was a very dangerous Valentina. She was busying herself making everyone tea and serving them pastries—well, everyone except for Vinnie. She blamed him for the hole in security and had no problems indirectly communicating that. And it wouldn’t be long before she was communicating it directly.

From what Mila could tell, Vinnie also felt that the blame lay squarely with him. He, Tate, Luke, and the pride’s enforcers were currently talking among themselves, discussing various ways the snake shifter could have found his way inside the building.

After questioning the snake, they’d come to Mila’s apartment and given her what little information they had on the male. In

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