Untamed Delights (The Phoenix Pack #8) - Suzanne Wright Page 0,19

her arm through Joel’s. “We’re just going to grab some Chinese on the way home. Say hi to your parents for me.”

“Will do.” Her cat hissed and spat right up until the couple finally left the shop. Yeah, Russia and Maksim were looking better by the minute.


Curled up on an armchair, Makenna sighed at her mate as she placed her mug on the small table beside her. “I’m just saying, it’s bad luck to cut your nails on a Friday.” She held up her hands in a gesture of innocence. “I don’t make up the rules of the universe. I’m just the messenger.”

A muscle in Ryan’s cheek ticked, and his hand clenched tightly around the TV remote. “But it’s not a rule of the universe. It’s a ridiculous superstition.”

“I don’t know why you have to say ‘superstition’ like it’s a dirty word.”

“I don’t know why you can’t just be normal and accept that they’re bullshit.”

“You know what I just heard? ‘Blah, blah, blah, blah, I’m a shithead.’”

Gently patting the back of the swaddled baby sleeping against his chest, Dominic watched the couple argue. Makenna was wildly superstitious, whereas her mate was all about logic and reason, so the two often argued over such things. Since Ryan was ordinarily quite stoic and mostly communicated with grunts, it was always fun to watch the enforcer lose it with his mate. She was literally the only person who could wrench such a reaction out of him.

The other pack members scattered around the living area were also enjoying the show. In fact, Roni and Marcus—a mated couple who acted as enforcers for both the Phoenix Pack and the Mercury Pack—had even switched their attention from the movie they had been watching to the other couple, observing the argument while sharing a bag of strawberry licorice.

Like the other rooms within the large multifloored cave dwelling, the living area was all modern furnishings and woodsy colors. Decorative swirls were carved into the main light-cream sandstone wall of the room, complementing the rustic fireplace. The large sectional sofas and plush armchairs were all angled toward the state-of-the-art audiovisual system.

“I’ve never even heard of that dumb superstition before,” Ryan went on. “It wouldn’t surprise me if you made it up to irritate me.”

Makenna’s eyes widened. “I didn’t. There’s even a rhyme about it.”

“You say that as if the rhyme gives it credibility. There’s also a rhyme about Humpty Dumpty. He was fictional too.”

“Actually,” Roni cut in, “there are some who believe that Humpty Dumpty was King Richard III of England, who was defeated in the 1400s despite how big and tough his armies were. And there are others who think Humpty Dumpty was actually a cannon that was placed on a city wall but later fell to the ground.”

Makenna smirked at Ryan. “Don’t know everything, do you, White Fang?”

“There is no such thing as bad luck,” he maintained.

“You’re tempting fate again.” Makenna pointed at the coffee table. “Knock—”

“Do not tell me to knock on wood.”

“Fine. Tempt fate. See if I care.” Makenna picked up her e-reader and returned to her book, dismissing him. Ryan honestly looked close to leaping off his chair and snatching the e-reader right out of her hand.

Dominic exchanged an amused look with his Beta female, Jaime, who was sprawled beside him on the reclining end of the sofa. As her mouth opened wide in yet another jaw-popping yawn, he said, “You look zonked.”

“Sleepless nights will do that to a girl,” she muttered, adjusting the soft blanket that was tucked around her legs.

“Why don’t you go rest in your room while the baby’s sleeping?” Makenna suggested.

Jaime gave a tired shake of her head. “I’ll stay.”

“He’ll be fine,” Dominic assured her.

“I know, I just . . .” Jaime lowered her voice, as if confessing a shameful secret. “I don’t want to leave him. Clingy, aren’t I?”

“I’d say it’s normal,” Makenna consoled.

Jaime gently skimmed the baby’s cheek with her fingertip. “I can’t believe how easily he falls asleep for you,” she said to Dominic.

“What can I say? I’m his favorite uncle,” said Dominic. “I’m still surprised you called him Hendrix.”

Jaime frowned. “And what’s wrong with that name?”

“Nothing,” said Dominic. “It suits the little guy. I just wouldn’t have expected Dante to go for something unusual. Also, he was set on Daniel.”

“Hendrix doesn’t look like a Daniel.”

In agreement with that, Dominic nuzzled Hendrix’s downy head. He was so small and cute, and he smelled so fresh and sweet.

“You know, Dom, this is the most laid-back I’ve seen

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