Untamed Delights (The Phoenix Pack #8) - Suzanne Wright Page 0,101

to say hey. Your cat will have the room she needs to fully heal.”

That was certainly appealing for Mila, but . . . “It’s not that simple. If I move here, I’m joining your pack. That means leaving my pride.”

Dominic snorted. “You’re Vinnie’s niece—he’ll always consider you an Olympus cat, no matter where you live. Trey will understand that.”

“Wouldn’t you rather wait until we’re fully imprinted?”

“You mean wouldn’t I rather wait to be sure we do fully imprint,” he accused, bristling.

She shrugged. “I don’t take things for granted—especially if they’re as important to me as you are.”

Just like that, his annoyance fizzled away. “We might only be partially imprinted, but any level of imprinting is a big deal. It makes you my mate, and I want my mate with me.” He gave her a tight squeeze. “Come on, baby, move in with me.”

She sighed. “Let me think about it.”

“Sure,” he said.

Mila’s mouth thinned at his easy agreement and lazy smile. “You’re confident you’ll get what you want, aren’t you?”

“Of course.” He chuckled when she play-punched his shoulder. “Damn, that hurt. You should make it up to me. Sucking my cock will work.”

She rolled her eyes again. “Like a dog with a bone.” But she pushed him onto his back and slid down his body.

“I do in fact have a boner and—” He hissed out a breath as she took his cock deep. “Fuck, you’re good with that mouth.”


Dominic’s eyelids fluttered open as he felt Mila begin to edge off the bed. The room was pitch-black and—

A plastic wrapper crinkled.

Someone was in her apartment, he realized. His wolf shot to full alertness, ready to protect and defend. Silent, Dominic slid out of the bed and went after Mila. Her scent had changed, turned more feral, and he realized she’d shifted. But he couldn’t see her. Shit.

Adrenaline coursing through him, he crept into the living room and caught a glimpse of a tall, broad-shouldered male coming out of the kitchen with a bag of beef jerky in his hand. The cat launched herself at the intruder so fast she was a blur.

With a loud curse, the male swiftly whipped up his arm to protect his face before she could wrap herself around his head. It didn’t deter the cat. She curled around his arm, biting hard and clawing deep. He hissed out a pained breath. “What the fuck, Mila?”

Snarling and growling, she shredded the guy’s flesh. The intruder swore, grunted, winced, and ordered her to “let the fuck go.” She didn’t.

Dominic might have rushed over and intervened, but he’d seen pictures of the other male on the mantel and recognized him as Mila’s brother. Figuring the guy deserved a bit of pain, Dominic dragged on his jeans and simply watched as his little cat tore strips out of her sibling’s arm. Right then, she was a hissing, spitting, crazed ball of fury.

The only reason his wolf didn’t lunge for the surface to join the struggle was that Alex didn’t retaliate. The wolverine concentrated on trying to detach her from his arm, prying open her jaws. Each time he managed to loosen her hold, the cat would try wrapping herself around his head. Alex was always ready for the move, though. He’d slam up his arm to block her, at which point she’d go back to shredding the limb. It was easy to see that Alex had a fair amount of experience fighting off the feline.

With a pained oath, Alex held long, curved claws to the cat’s flank. “Get off me, you crazy little bitch, or these are gonna cut right through that thick fucking hide of yours.” The cat must have dug her fangs deeper instead, because the wolverine grunted in pain. “Son of a motherfucker.”

With renewed vigor, Alex wrestled with the cat, snatched her by the scruff of her neck, and threw her across the room.

Dominic caught her and held tight. “You must be Alex.”

The male tensed, his face hardening. “Who the fuck are you?”

Her ears flat, she let out a wolflike growl that shouldn’t have come from a creature so small and cute.

Sensing that she was ready to launch herself at the wolverine again, Dominic kept a firm grip on her and made a shushing sound in her ear. “Dominic Black, an enforcer from the Phoenix Pack,” he said as he took stock of his cat. Alex’s blood stained her paws and fur, but she was fine. Alex, however, couldn’t make the same claim. His arm was covered in

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