An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,78

them were able to pull the lower edge of the door away from the building enough to crawl through.

Inside the dark carriage house, they moved carefully around the car, avoiding trash strewn about the floor.

Scrapes, thuds and muttered curses echoed from upstairs. It was hard to hold back, but Malcolm worried he might cause Bree more injury if he ran up the stairs without knowing what he would be dealing with. The first tread of the stairs creaked loudly, and a yelp from upstairs was abruptly cut off. Malcolm gave up on caution and bolted up the rickety flight. He burst through the door at the top of the stairs—and skidded to a halt.

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An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Chapter 40

Elizabeth was quite peeved. It was time for the big announcement, and neither Bree nor Malcolm was anywhere to be found. Her son had insisted the engagement announcement be a big surprise, complete with toasts and dancing. It wasn't like him to be so cavalier about such a carefully planned schedule. She certainly didn't begrudge the pair time together, but their guests were waiting and, once married, Malcolm and Bree had a whole lifetime ahead of them. Thinking they might have stolen into the garden, Elizabeth stepped off the terrace and took the wide graveled path. She investigated a few dark niches most often occupied, but they were empty. The night air was cool and the guests had retreated to the house. She was about to do the same when she heard rustling and muttering on the other side of the shrubbery. With a sigh of relief, she stepped around and was surprised to find Melody sitting by herself, sniffling and dabbing at her nose with a hanky.

"Whatever are you doing out here, Melody? It's gotten quite cool. You'll catch your death." The girl didn't answer, just sniveled louder. Out of patience, the older woman said,

"Have you seen Malcolm and Bree?"

Elizabeth was shocked when Melody burst into loud sobs and covered her face with her hands. She sat on the stone bench beside the blonde. "What is it, dear? Are you ill? Shall I call your mother?"


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Through hiccupping sobs, Melody managed to say, "No, Elizabeth. I'm all right. Just incredibly stupid and naïve. And embarrassed. Do you think Malcolm will ever forgive me?"

"Malcolm forgive you? Whatever for?" Elizabeth asked, mystified.

Melody raised her head, dabbed at red, swollen eyes, and blew her noise loudly. "I've been a fool. Eldon told me Malcolm didn't want Bridget—he wanted me—and I believed him. I acted, well..." The young woman's face darkened in the faint light. "I acted very badly."

"Wait. You said Eldon told you Malcolm wasn't going to marry Bridget? When was that?"

"This afternoon. He stopped by the house and said if I got Malcolm alone, I could get him back."

"When did you speak with Malcolm?" Elizabeth's impatience returned. She sensed something was very wrong, especially if Eldon was involved.

"A bit ago. He was very angry with me." Melody began to sob again.

Elizabeth said firmly, "That's enough. Dry your face and let's go inside. I need to find Eldon and Malcolm and Bridget and get to the bottom of this." She handed Melody another handkerchief and pulled her to her feet.

Once in the house, Elizabeth sent Melody off to the powder room to freshen up and sought the butler.

"Anderson, I need to find Eldon, Malcolm and Miss Bridget.

All the servants need to look for them. It's very important."

He held up his hand to stop her as she started to turn away.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

"Cook just told me Miss Bridget and Mr. Malcolm went out back."

The two of them hustled down the hall, Elizabeth smiling and waving to the guests as if nothing was amiss.

In the kitchen, Anderson called Bertie to join them. The heavy-set woman complied, dragging a young girl along with her.

"Bertie, have you seen Malcolm and Miss Bridget?"

"Yes, ma'am. Amy here—" She nodded at her daughter.

"She saw Miss Bridget go through, then a short while later, Mr. Malcolm. They both went out back."

Elizabeth immediately went to the screen door and into the backyard, the others trailing behind. She saw no sign of anyone. Just then lamplight wobbled from the barn, and the old groom stepped out. Elizabeth met him halfway.

"Have you seen Malcolm and Miss Bridget, Murray?"

"I saw Malcolm. He was huntin' for the miss. When he found out Carlisle took the Rolls and Mr. Eldon the Pierce, he took off after them like a Copyright 2016 - 2024