An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,76

downstairs hadn't had the effect he had expected. Instead of cowering from him, she'd come at him, nails slashing at his face, feet kicking at his shins. It took all his strength to hold her off. He knew he could easily have knocked her out, but he didn't want to damage her pretty face. And, more importantly, he wanted her wide awake when he began her education in bed. He looked across the warped floorboards to the tarnished brass bed in the corner and smiled. He'd put clean sheets on it himself earlier today in preparation for Bree's "classes." She probably wouldn't appreciate the fact he wouldn't have considered such menial labor for anyone but her. He expected proper thanks for his efforts—or perhaps, improper thanks.

The back of Bree's head slammed against his chest with enough forced to nearly knock the breath out of him. Who would have expected such a small package to have such potent strength? Damn that stupid Carlisle. He'd followed orders to get Bree away from the house, but then he'd gotten cold feet. Eldon could use another pair of hands to control the hot-headed minx. Instead, the fool had tried to play Sir Galahad.

Eldon automatically countered Bree's struggles as he sorted through options. It would have been wiser to speed through town and get as far away as possible, considering it 244

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

wouldn't take long for someone leaving the party to find the Rolls and Carlisle's body. But, then again, it was unlikely anyone had seen the three of them together. There would be too many questions and confusion for anyone to come hunting for him right away. It hadn't come off exactly as he'd planned, but he'd gone to so much trouble to put together his secret hideaway, he was damn well going to use it.

It never ceased to amaze Eldon that people wanted to believe him, no matter the evidence or how odd the circumstances—even more so now he was rich. No one ever connected the dots in the past. Not as a child when animals kept turning up mutilated and dead, not after his poor brother died so suddenly, not when the company accountant disappeared with all that money and, of course, not when his wife's devoted maid absconded in Europe. The stupid bitch thought she could blackmail him when she caught him adding the powder to Elizabeth's morning tea. Eleanor's disappearance hadn't even raised an eyebrow. He was probably the only one who missed her, and only because she had been somewhat amusing in bed. He'd tired of her, anyway.

Eldon glanced down at the coppery head pummeling his chest. To spare himself any more bruises, he placed his hand over her mouth and nose and held it until her struggles weakened. Just when he thought Bree sufficiently subdued, sharp teeth sank into the flesh beneath his thumb. He twisted his other hand in her tangle of hair and yanked her head back, staring down into flashing green eyes. "You little hellion! I'm going to enjoy repaying you for every single 245

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

bruise and scratch." His hand throbbed, but the engorged mass between his legs throbbed even harder. He needed to bed the girl right now, tonight. Until he got that out of his system, they weren't going anywhere.

He instinctively peered out the lone upstairs window.

Across the alley loomed the big three-story house where he'd spent so many pleasurable hours with the young women cloistered there. The proprietress catered to his somewhat unusual proclivities to keep his profitable custom—he'd spent a great deal of money there. The women were expected to accede to his every demand. He could do anything he wanted, short of committing murder. Now he would have his very own concubine. One that he would take great pleasure in teaching how to satisfy his whims. Eldon caught his reflection in the glass and turned his head side to side, admiring the way his long, dark hair curled against his collar, the distinguished streaks of gray at his temples. He was still a handsome devil, although he detected the beginnings of bags under his eyes.

Bree's hip swinging hard against his swollen groin disrupted his preening. He gasped in pain and ecstasy. Soon, my fiery Irish lass. Soon.

Even as Eldon's hands roved Bree's luscious body, he planned how he would keep suspicion away. As long as he kept the girl out of sight, he could bluff his way through. He'd rented the coach house under Copyright 2016 - 2024