An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,74

the night. A lamp was lit inside, sending out a pale flickering glow.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Fred dismounted and tethered Peanut to a convenient downspout, then sidled up next to the garage, careful to stay away from the windows. He heard a car door open and close.

A muffled cry rang out, followed by the sound of a sharp slap.

Footsteps pounded on stairs. The light moved higher and the lower level faded to a dark gray. Fred risked a quick glance through the small, barred window. The car, glinting in the dull moonlight, sat in the middle of the dirt floor, the engine ticking as it cooled.

Chewing his cheek, he wondered, What now?

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An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Chapter 37

"What are you doing, Melody? Have you lost your mind?"

Malcolm shoved her back in disgust, trying to untangle her arms from his neck. "I only agreed to come out here because you said you needed to talk to me urgently about your father's business, although I thought we settled everything yesterday morning. Obviously, it was a ruse. I'm going back in. I think it's best if you sit with your parents, and please don't come to the house again unless you're invited by someone other than Eldon."

Malcolm spun on his heel, but before he took a step, Melody cried, "I don't understand. If you're not going to marry that Irish girl, what's wrong with me? You used to like kissing me."

He turned back, surprised at the piteous tone in Melody's normally demanding voice.

Then he realized what she said. "What do you mean, 'Now that I'm not going to marry Bree'? Of course I'm going to marry her. This is an engagement party, remember?"

"But Eldon said you'd changed your mind. That you realized you wanted me and you're going to send her home."

Eldon—the bastard—was still trying to stir up trouble. Well, enough was enough. "Melody, go home. I think of you as an old friend, nothing more. I intend to marry Bree because I love her. You've allowed Eldon to feed you lies, even though you're smart enough to know better. I'll talk to your father in a day or so about the mill. I don't intend to let him lose it—


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Father wouldn't have wanted that. You don't need to marry me to save it, so find someone who loves you."

This time, he kept walking. The sound of Melody's sobs followed him down the path, but the need to talk to Bree was far more important than soothing a spoiled woman's feelings.

Malcolm headed to the alcove where he'd left his fiancée, but the chairs were empty. He asked everyone standing nearby if they'd seen her leave. The blank or curious stares he received in return were answer enough. This didn't feel right. Malcolm was sure Eldon was up to more than just causing a rift between him and Bree, and the thought caused a painful contraction in his chest. He followed the hallway, opening doors as he came to them. When he looked across the library and realized he could see Melody framed by the middle pane of windows, a flash of guilt jolted through him, followed by a feeling of dread. He pushed open the door at the end of the hall and entered the kitchen. Controlled mayhem confronted him as Bertie and her assistants bustled around the room, dodging servers loading heavy silver platters and trays with food and drinks. There was a loud crash and the sound of breaking glass as two men collided.

Bertie swore like a drayman.

He surveyed the kitchen but saw no sign of Bree. Malcolm started to turn back when a scullery maid tentatively approached him, plucking at his sleeve. "Sir? The little miss.

Is she all right?"

He bent down to the maid, not more than thirteen or fourteen, the eldest daughter of Bertie. "What do you mean?"


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

The girl appeared ready to bolt but managed to stammer out, "The miss. She looked like she was crying."

Malcolm grabbed her by the shoulders but quickly let go as sheer panic filled her eyes. He took a calming breath and asked quietly, "When did you see her?"

"Just a bit ago. She went out back. I checked a few minutes later, but she was gone."

Malcolm heard the last part of the sentence over his shoulder as he slammed through the screen door into the night.

* * * *

The yard was empty. Silent as a grave. Seeing no sign of Bree, he turned Copyright 2016 - 2024