An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,71

on she was passed from group to group, occasionally catching a glimpse of Malcolm. He always seemed to have a beautiful young woman—or two—at his side. And yet, a smile lit his face each time their gazes met.

When they eventually reunited, Malcolm steered her to a secluded alcove. "Wait right here. I'll get us some wine." He paused and looked at her intently. "I have something very important I want to talk to you about, but you've been so busy with introductions we haven't had a moment together."

He gave her a long, clinging kiss on the temple, his hand cupping the back of her neck as his thumb stroked under her ear. With a reluctant sigh, he pulled away and dodged through the tightly packed bodies toward a table set up with cases of wine and hard liquor.

He was gone an awfully long time.

* * * *

"Having a nice time, are we?"

Bree startled violently and a frisson of revulsion zipped down her back at the sound of Eldon's low voice. She glanced over her shoulder. He leaned against the wall, his casual stance telling her Malcolm couldn't be anywhere near. Eldon was tall enough to easily see over the mass of people and 228

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

wouldn't be so relaxed if there was any chance of a confrontation with his stepson.

"I was."

He chuckled at her tone.

"Malcolm will be back in a moment, Eldon. After your behavior last night, I think it would be a good idea if you made yourself scarce. It would be horrible for Elizabeth if you and Malcolm got in a fight at her party."

"Fight? Malcolm and I? Not to worry. I explained about last night's misunderstanding. He knows I merely attempted to give you a fatherly peck on the cheek and, in your inexperience, you mistook it for something else. I am sorry about the fire, but Elizabeth assures me you suffered no real damage."

Bree sucked in her breath. The cad! Surely Malcolm didn't believe such a pack of lies? "If that's your idea of an apology, you've wasted your time. I'm quite certain of your intent and, truthfully, I would rather burn to death than suffer it." His cheek muscles flexed and his dark eyes narrowed a fraction, but his jovial smile seemed glued in place.

He regarded the crowd with disinterest. "I promised I wouldn't say anything, but I feel it's only fair I warn you. You may regret your comments very soon, dear, once you realize I may be the only one who has any intentions for you."

She turned in her seat to face him, puzzled by his words.

He leered down at her and continued, snide amusement in his voice, "I think you'll find America a very inhospitable place for a young woman on her own. No money. No family. Bad things happen."


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

"Lucky for me I won't be on my own." Bree turned away, hoping Eldon would leave her in peace. Where was Malcolm?

He'd been gone much longer than necessary to get wine.

Eldon noticed her intent gaze. "He's not there, you know. I saw him go out to the garden a few moments ago with a woman. I'm not sure, but I believe it might have been the as-always lovely Melody. I came upon them today while out riding. They were very cozy in that shaded little glade until they realized I was there. Their hurried excuses were rather amusing. As if I cared what they did in private."

Bree couldn't help it. She swiveled around and stared up at him. She wanted to call him a liar. Wanted to tell him to leave her be. That Malcolm wouldn't do that. He couldn't! She bit her lip as her hands twisted her long satin gloves into a knot.

He gave her a sympathetic look, and she was almost convinced he meant it. "I don't think it's right for them to pick up where they left off without explaining it to you. Even if the engagement is off." He paused at her gasp then continued with a smirk. "You didn't know? Oh, my. I am sorry. I assumed Malcolm would discuss it with you before the party.

Well, considering the dishabille I found the two of them in earlier, he probably didn't have time to do more than clean up before the guests started arriving. I'm sure he'll talk to you very soon. Now, much as I've enjoyed our little chat, I do have other guests to entertain. But not Melody—I think Malcolm Copyright 2016 - 2024