An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,69

said it had magic powers or some such, and I have to admit it does make me feel a bit happier to look at it. It always seems a mite warm to the touch too."

"May I?" he asked. At her nod, Malcolm picked up the large piece, and indeed, felt warmth in his palm. The mint-green 220

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

oval stone was almost two inches across, flanked by ornately styled wings of heavy gold filigree. Three diamonds, a large center one and two smaller, matching ones, connected the wings top and bottom.

"The stone is supposed to bring good luck," Teddy said, and added with a smile and rosy cheeks, "and fertility."

Malcolm felt his own face heat, matching the warmth in his hand. "I'll take it, Teddy, and I'll be happy whether or not it lives up to its reputation."

She nodded and folded it back into the sacking. "Will you be wanting it wrapped in a nice box? I can fix it all up for you and bring it with me tonight."

"That would be fine, if it's not too much trouble." He bussed her cheek and she waved him down the hall.

"Off with you, you young rascal."

As Malcolm went back outside, a distinct bounce in his step now he'd found the perfect engagement gift, he wondered what the price might be, then shrugged. Teddy wouldn't have shown him anything too expensive without telling him. She'd send an accounting at the end of the month, along with the party costs.

Malcolm spent the rest of the day checking in at several of the mills. One of the finishing plants had tested a new dye process, with pleasing results. He stuck a paper-wrapped bolt of the fabric in the passenger seat of the car to show his mother then checked his pocket watch for the hundredth time. With a sigh of relief, he saw it was late enough to return home without being sent away again. He was anxious to see Breeā€”and his mother, of course.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

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An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Chapter 34

After a hectic morning, Elizabeth decreed they were done with preparations. In a firm tone, she ordered her almost-daughter-in-law to bed for a recuperative nap, expressing her intent to do the same.

Bree lay in the big bed, her eyes closed. Memories of Malcolm looming above her in this very same bed caused a tightening and wetness between her thighs. The feel of his warm hands as they caressed her was so vivid her eyes flew wide, half expecting him to be there. But she was alone in the room. The windows were open and a fresh breeze stirred the lace curtains and brought the warble of bird songs to her ears.

She rolled onto her stomach, dragging the pillow that had lain under Malcolm's head to her cheek. She fancied it held a trace of his musky cologne. Her arms slipped around the crisp linen case and she clutched it to her breasts, wishing for a living, breathing, loving Malcolm to clasp. Soon. Her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep.

* * * *

A light knock on the door a few hours later roused her and she called out, "Come in."

The young maid giggled with high spirits as she helped Bree bathe, then styled her hair and helped her into the satin gown. "Oh, my lord, Miss Bree. Aren't you a sight!" Hannah gushed.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

"Thank you. You've done a wonderful job." Bree inspected herself critically in the full-length mirror, fearing she wouldn't stand up to the scrutiny of Malcolm and Elizabeth's friends.

Her thick auburn hair was piled high on her head, lending the illusion of height. The gown Elizabeth had designed fit like a glove at the sheer shoulders and sleeves. Shimmering caramel silk draped softly to the floor, trimmed in delicate ivory lace. A novel tassel gathered the gown's hem, exposing an ivory underskirt which allowed Bree to walk easily despite the tight hobble design. For modesty's sake, Bree had added a scrap of lace in the deep V of the plunging neckline. Tucks and folds accented the bodice, with more lace ringing the lower edges of the waist banding. Another tassel weighted the draped silk down until it puddled near her waist in the back and exposed a considerable amount of creamy skin. Tan leather tango shoes with crisscrossed ankle straps and a low, curved heel encased her feet. Pale ivory silk stockings were held with garters below her knees. Copyright 2016 - 2024