An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,56

I expect to run the company. I'll make sure there's always a place for you, Eldon. Never fear. So long as you and Mother are married, I'll keep you on in some capacity."

"Don't make too many plans, you young pup. I've put a lot of work into the company and the board knows it. They're not going to let you waltz in and take over."

With an enigmatic smile Malcolm replied, "We'll see, won't we?"

Eldon turned on his heel and strode to the Rolls Royce, which idled quietly at the curb. It swerved away into the street with a muted roar, the narrow tires spitting gravel.

Bree watched as Malcolm stared after the speeding car with narrowed eyes, his cheek flexing.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

* * * *

They spent the afternoon on the promised mill tour. Bree was dumbfounded at the sheer size of the plant. The main building stood two stories tall and covered acres of ground.

The weaving shed, boiler building with tall smokestack, cotton and wool warehouses and cottages for the workers spread out even more. Inside the factory, she held her hands over her ears to shut out the din as hundreds of bobbins fed white threads into clattering weaving machines nonstop. Malcolm showed her other rooms used for carding, looping, knitting and warping, explaining how different parts of the mill turned out nubby woolens, smooth worsteds, cambric, satin, lawn, batiste, linen and silks. Once woven, the plain fabrics would be sent to finishing factories for bleaching and dyeing before going on to their last stop to be made into garments. He promised to show her those factories soon.

Bree was a bit fatigued when they returned to the house and Malcolm insisted she take a nap before dinner. She awoke refreshed and quickly dressed in a light frock. After she brushed out her hair, she secured it with a matching ribbon and allowed it to tumble down her back to please Malcolm. Anxious to see him again, she bounced merrily down the stairs but came to a halt when she heard voices from below.

She stopped on the landing and peered over the railing.

Eldon leaned casually against the jamb in the parlor doorway, talking to someone inside. Bree couldn't make out the muted voice. She walked more sedately down the remaining steps.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Eldon caught her movement and turned to face her, a smug expression settling on his face.

"Ah, and here she is. The lovely Bree. Come in, my dear.

We were having a drink before dinner."

Bree entered the room, searching for Malcolm. Instead, she spied Melody draped languorously across the settee, a dainty stemmed glass dangling from her hand. Bree stumbled to a stop and looked around, but Elizabeth and Malcolm were not in the room.

Melody raised her glass in a casual salute. "Good evening, Miss Barry. I hope you don't mind. Eldon invited me to join you for dinner. It seems so natural to be here. I've probably spent as much time in this house as my own, ever since I was a child. If you have any questions about the family, or Malcolm, please feel free to ask. I'm sure I can enlighten you." With a coy smile partially hidden behind her hand, she continued, "Of course, there are some questions I won't answer. I mean, they're just too personal to get into. I'm sure you understand." The blonde smiled dreamily.

Bree understood, all right. "Why, Melody, you have no idea how much fun I'm having getting to know all about Malcolm on my own. As for Elizabeth, the two of use share a rare bond. After all, we survived the Titanic sinking." Bree bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling as she saw Melody's eyes narrow and her smirk dim.

Voices echoed from the hall and Malcolm and Elizabeth entered. Malcolm's gaze fastened on Bree's, and he smiled as he strode to her, ignoring the other two occupants.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

He was only a step away when Melody called out,

"Malcolm, we've been waiting for you. Dear Bree is trying her best to be a hostess, but I don't think she's had much experience at it. I'm sure it's hard to suddenly be thrown into a life so different from anything she's known." She simpered.

"Eldon explained about your dear Bree's background."

Instead of acknowledging Melody or Eldon, Malcolm continued to Bree's side where he greeted her with a peck on the cheek. He pulled her under the protection of his arm and, as she looked Copyright 2016 - 2024