An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,54

in anything as delectable as you."

Bree twisted her head around and gazed into his face. His lips were lowering to hers when a strident voice rang out.

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An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Chapter 25

"Malcolm? Malcolm DuMont, it is you! Why, it's been ages, darling. And who is this child—some niece I've never met?"

Bree stared at the exquisitely beautiful blonde woman. She was dressed to perfection in a royal blue suit, topped with a huge straw boater. A fine gauzy veil drew attention to her almond-shaped amber eyes.

Malcolm straightened slowly. Bree wasn't sure what his expression reflected. It could have been disappointment or perhaps impatience, but he responded, "Hello, Melody. You're looking well."

The woman advanced on Malcolm, nudging Bree aside before she rose on tiptoe to plant a lingering kiss on Malcolm's lips. Bree's eyes widened. As Melody stepped back, Malcolm glanced down at Bree. He grimaced uncomfortably and shrugged. She raised her chin, one eyebrow arched high.

"Erm ... Melody, this is Bree Barry, my fiancée. Bree this is—" A loud gasp interrupted his introduction.

"Your fiancée! Why Malcolm DuMont, you cad. You left here after giving me the distinct impression I was your fiancée. I've been making plans all this time, waiting for you to return and set the date. How could you!"

Bree took a step away and regarded Malcolm, eyes wide.

He held his hands out and said, "Now, Melody, you know we never discussed any such thing. I told you in no uncertain terms I wasn't ready to consider marriage to you or anyone else. If you harbored any false hopes, they were of your own 175

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

making." Malcolm stepped around the sputtering blonde and put his arm around Bree. "I hope you will welcome my future wife to the community with the same gracious manner I've always seen in you."

Bree scrutinized Malcolm's face, searching for the truth.

How could Melody and Malcolm each be so sure about something so completely different? Certainly you would know if you were engaged?

Melody's mouth shut with an audible snap and her gaze shifted from Malcolm to Bree and back several times. She blinked and took a deep breath. "Of course, Malcolm." She turned to Bree and spoke slowly and clearly as if speaking to a child, "Hello, there. I'm Melody Parsons. Malcolm and I have known each other all our lives. Welcome." She stuck out her gloved hand and when Bree did the same, grasped the tips of Bree's fingers and gave a tiny squeeze, letting go immediately.

Melody immediately turned back to Malcolm. "Are you sure her parents will approve a marriage at such a young age, Malcolm dear?" Her mouth made a moue. "I mean really, Malcolm, I never thought of you as a cradle robber."

The hackles on the back of Bree's neck rose and she narrowed her eyes as she contemplated the best way to deal with the irritating woman. Malcolm stepped between them.

"Melody, Bree is quite fully of age. Though I expect her youthful beauty will put all others to shame even in her dotage, which I sincerely hope to see."

The blonde had a momentary blank look as if trying to discern an insult in his statement. "I'm glad to hear it. Well, I 176

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

suppose I'll be on my way. I'm so busy these days, what with all those eager beaus coming around." She smiled smugly at Bree.

Her smile faded as Malcolm said, "I'm surprised you entertain beaus if you were so far along with the wedding plans."

Melody sniffed, whirled on her high-laced boot heel and stalked down the sidewalk without a backward glance.

Bree kept her eyes on the tips of her toes. She was embarrassed for Malcolm, but also upset by what Melody said. Was he, in fact, fickle enough to grasp at whatever woman stood in front of him at the time? Would she find herself in Melody's shoes one day soon?

Malcolm's finger under her chin forced her head up. He gazed at her intently. "Bree, my love. Nothing she said is true, except the part about having grown up together. I never entertained marriage to Melody, and she knows it. I've never entertained marriage to anyone, except you. Do you believe me?"

Bree lost herself in his blazing blue eyes. They seemed to pull her toward him, but she realized with a start he was simply finishing what he started before they were interrupted.

The kiss was not to be, however.

"Malcolm! I heard you'd returned. Still got the little racecar, eh? Copyright 2016 - 2024