An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,51

clumsy, or ugly so many times. At first I thought every family acted like that, but then I went to school and found out it 164

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

wasn't true. That wasn't love. My mother was smart too, and very talented. She was good and kind and pretty once. He took it all away and turned her into a shell of a person. I think when she realized she was dying she was glad, because she knew it would be over. I couldn't help her because I was too young, and then it was too late. When I saw you that first day, even though I'd never met you or your husband before, somehow I knew." She fell silent.

In a small voice Elizabeth said, "Eldon wasn't always like this. He was so very solicitous when we were courting and for months after we married. After that first time, it happened more often. Once, at a party, he heard someone asked me about a bruise. It didn't stop him, but he was very careful to make sure he didn't leave marks anyone could see. I know I'm not to blame, but when he's there, shouting at me, I can't think what to say."

"I know." Bree grasped Elizabeth's hand and gave it a sympathetic squeeze.

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An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Chapter 23

Malcolm limped in an hour after he was expected. He knew his mother would be fretting about dinner being ruined. He had intended to sneak in, change his clothing, and wash the blood from his face before appearing before Bree and his mother. But old Murray from the stable saw him and made a beeline for the kitchen. The whole house would know something happened within minutes. He didn't want Bree and his mother to find out from a servant.

He glanced at the parlor doorway and saw Bree's smile die, replaced by a look of horror. She ran toward him, Elizabeth right on her heels.

"Malcolm!" she cried.

He held up a hand and shook his head. "It's not as bad as it appears. I'm fine." The look on his future wife's face told him she begged to differ.

"But what happened?" Elizabeth asked.

Malcolm's shoulders slumped and he hung his head.

"Someone shot Soldier." Shocked gasps greeted his harsh statement. Before either woman could ask the multitude of questions he saw in their eyes, he said, "Please. Give me a moment to clean up and change. I'll be right back down to tell you the whole story. Mother, dear, perhaps you'd have Anderson bring a stiff whiskey and soda to my room." He smiled reassuringly and slowly made his way up the stairs to his room, suppressing a groan of pain to keep up the pretense.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

The women sat pensively in the parlor as he returned a quarter of an hour later. Another glass amply filled with caramel-colored liquor sat on the table, a soda siphon and tall cut glass decanter on a tray ready for a refill. He took a hefty slug of the drink, closing his eyes as it burned its way to his stomach. Knowing he couldn't put it off any longer, he sat and snuggled a pale-faced Bree close.

"I rode the north trail."

Elizabeth nodded.

"By the time I heard the shot, Soldier was already going down. I was lucky. We were steps away from the creek. I ended up in a patch of moss, instead of coming down on jagged granite. Other than a few bruises and some scratches, I'm fine. Soldier's gone, though."

"Oh, son, I'm so sorry." Elizabeth turned to Bree and explained, "He raised that horse from a colt. I remember him sitting up all night with Murray the night old Soldier was born."

Bree turned to Malcolm, "But who shot at you?"

"That's something I intend to find out. I'll talk to Murray after dinner and have him put the word out. If anyone was hunting in the woods, the men will find out."

"You need to talk to Ernie too," his mother added.

As Bree raised a questioning eyebrow, Malcolm explained,

"Ernie Fletcher is the chief of police in Linton. I've known him all my life. He grew up with my father and Eldon." He turned to Elizabeth. "It will wait until tomorrow. Now, is dinner totally ruined, or do you think we have a chance?"


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

He could tell his mother was annoyed by his cavalier attitude as she stood and led the way to the dining room.

After dinner, Malcolm suggested he take Bree Copyright 2016 - 2024