An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,35

closely, a frown denting her forehead, insinuated herself between Elizabeth and Doctor Tumey and made a production of taking Bree's blood pressure. Elizabeth didn't seem to notice, but Bree caught the grimace of annoyance the doctor directed at the nurse. With a disappointed look at Elizabeth's back, Doctor Tumey shrugged slightly and said, "I'd best be off to see my other patients, as this one is in such lovely ... er ... good hands." He blushed again and quickly bowed out of the room.

As soon as he disappeared from sight, Nurse Danville turned on her heel and left, slamming the door on her way out.

"How long have I been here, Mrs. DuMont?" Bree asked.

"Doctor Tumey said something about a week?"

"You've been here six days, dear. And I think by now it would be much simpler, and I would like it very much, if you called me Elizabeth." She sat on the bed close to Bree's hip.

Bree smiled. "I'd like that."

Elizabeth's expression turned businesslike. "Now, since you're on the mend, we must make some plans. I'd like to 116

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

take you back home with us, so we can all rest up." She paused, a look of chagrin on her face. "Oh, dear. It hadn't occurred to me until just now you might have friends or family searching for you. It's been such a muddle. With Malcolm hurt and you sick, and, well, I haven't much energy myself. Eldon has been off taking care of business and I've been trying to deal with the shipping line." Elizabeth slumped and shook her head. "I'm such a foolish old woman. I can't manage to do the simplest things, and here you might have family frantic about you."

Bree reached out with both hands and clasped Elizabeth's.

"Please don't worry. I have no family or friends here. Except you," she added, pleased to see the older woman's face brighten. Then, trying to sound nonchalant, Bree asked,

"Now, what was that you said about Malcolm being injured?"

"He's doing much better now. He's been up and about for the last few days, but the doctor didn't want him to leave just yet. He was hit on the head and fell into the water."

Bree gasped.

"Oh, don't worry. He always did have a hard head,"

Elizabeth said with a wave of her hand and a roll of her eyes.

Her face turned serious. "He had a concussion and made it a bit worse by running all over the Carpathia trying to find us."

At Bree's confused expression, she explained, "That's the name of the ship which rescued us. It brought us to New York. There was so much confusion. I don't know if they've sorted out all the people who were rescued or even know who died. There were so very many." She closed her eyes, shaking her head.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

"And Eldon? It sounds like he survived." Bree didn't even attempt to stifle the dislike in her voice.

Elizabeth didn't appear to notice her tone. "Oh, yes.

Apparently, he jumped in the water to rescue people and barely managed to grab on to a lifeboat before he drowned.

That's Eldon for you. Came out without a scratch, and a hero to boot. Picture in the paper and everything. He has invitations to breakfast, lunch and dinner every day from people who want to thank him."

"Do you go with him?" Bree knew what the answer would be before Elizabeth spoke.

"No. No, I've been so worried about you and Malcolm. My ribs have been hurting quite a bit, too. It seemed easier to stay here. Dr. Tumey arranged rooms for us at the Brevoort Hotel not far away. It's a lovely place. The doctor's been very kind."

Bree noticed a slight flush on Elizabeth's face as she talked about the doctor, and smiled.

"Now, back to the question at hand. Will you come to Massachusetts with us? We have such a big house. It's absolutely beautiful this time of year. We can enjoy a nice visit while you get your health back. Then you can decide what you would like to do next." Elizabeth said, nodding as if the decision were already made.

Bree frowned and chewed her lip. She didn't want to be alone—not with everything in such an uproar. She certainly didn't want to abandon her new friend to Eldon's not-so-tender mercies. And, of course, there was Malcolm. This sounded like an awfully good idea. Then an awfully bad 118

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

thought popped into her head. "Oh, no. My money.

Everything!" she wailed.

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