An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,33

wrists. The damp jacket smelled of saltwater and oil. His head still hurt like the dickens, but he was able to stand and walk without the floor and walls undulating around him. At the food table, he picked up a thin slice of cheese and a piece of bread and butter, and gulped down a mug of strong, hot coffee. Fortified, Malcolm made his way purposefully around the room, checking each knot of people for his mother or Jack. Unsuccessful, he spoke to a few Carpathia crewmen, and they sent him off to other areas of the ship where Titanic passengers were being housed.

* * * *

Eldon perched on the edge of an unmade bed in the rescue ship's crew quarters, alone. It had cost him his gold pocket watch, but it was worth it to get away from the bedlam of whining children and their sniveling mothers. He spent a few moments wondering what had become of Elizabeth and Malcolm, thinking it unlikely he'd have to face his incensed stepson any time soon. Elizabeth was inconsequential and would be easy to deal with. His brother's son, however, had frequently proven rather irascible. It would be simpler if Malcolm had gone down with the ship, but it would probably be a few days before he knew for sure. He stretched out on 109

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

the lumpy mattress, arms behind his head, and formulated a series of plans.

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An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Chapter 15

The cough started almost as soon as Bree set foot on the Carpathia's deck. It came in unexpected waves, erupting out of her chest in rolling surges of pain. Elizabeth became alarmed when Bree couldn't catch her breath and went to fetch a man who was treating other passengers. Dr.

O'Loughlin turned out to be a Titanic passenger who'd also been rescued. He placed his ear on her chest and tried to listen, but she broke out in another fit of coughing. He helped Bree into a seated position and folded her pillow in half, adding a blanket from nearby to the bundle, then laid her back so she half-reclined.

He shook his head, frowning. "Were you in the water, young lady?"

Elizabeth answered for her. "Yes. One of the men in our lifeboat threw her into the water and she nearly drowned."

He gave the older woman an incredulous look. "Threw her over? Why ever would he do that?"

"Bree wanted them to go back to help people in the water.

She called them cowards. It's the rest of us that were cowards, though. We sat there and let them do it. It's just we never expected—"

The doctor laid a calming hand on her shoulders. "Of course not. None of us expected any of this. The men will surely be punished for their actions before this is all over. But right now, I'm concerned about your young friend here. It's too early to be sure, but if she got water in her lungs, she'll 111

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

likely end up with pneumonia. It'll be a few days before we can get her to a hospital. I don't suppose she's going to be very comfortable in the meantime, but we'll have to do the best we can."

He started to turn away. Bree caught at his sleeve.

"Elizabeth has some broken ribs, sir. Please don't let her do anything she ought not to." Bree wheezed. The effort of talking exhausted her and caused another fit of coughing.

Dr. O'Loughlin turned and shook his finger at Elizabeth, a threatening mock frown on his face. "You heard the young lady." His attempt to reassure her fell on deaf ears as she continued to wring her hands. He patted her shoulder and smiled encouragingly. "Stay close to her. Both of you get some rest. I'll check back now and again. Try to get her to eat a bit and drink as much as possible." He walked off a few paces before being summoned by a group crouched over a supine body.

Elizabeth fetched cups and a small pitcher of water then lay down beside Bree.

Even with the coughing, Bree caught a few brief naps.

Each time she woke to Elizabeth's worried regard. "Elizabeth, you must sleep. You'll be sick too, if you're not careful."

"I've dropped off a few times, dear. I'm not used to so much noise. It's hard to sleep, but I imagine I'll get used to it soon."

They huddled together and watched the disparate assemblage of passengers spread out around the hold as the Copyright 2016 - 2024