An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,22

herself from licking her lips.

Bree's stomach rumbled loudly and she blushed. "Well, as you put it that way, I suppose I could eat something." She reached for a biscuit. From beneath lowered eyelids she hazarded a glance at Malcolm. His heavy-lidded eyes were half-closed, but the sparkle of blue revealed he observed her 74

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

closely. She blushed deeper and looked away, silently cursing her fair skin.

He laughed softly and plopped back down on the sofa. She felt him watching as she made additional selections and poured herself a cup of tea. She used the china plate to nudge the sewing kit over and set her cup and saucer on the small side table. His intent scrutiny ruined her appetite.

As if he read her mind, he leaned back, tipped his head to the ceiling and perused the intricate patterns just as she had.

Bree's gaze focused on the tanned cords that ran up the sides of his neck. She noticed a sable curl wrapped around his right earlobe, cradling it. She yearned to reach out and touch it but picked up the cup of tea and saucer instead, taking a sip to wet her suddenly dry mouth.

"The steward will return shortly with linens to make up the sofa. If you prefer, I'll take the sofa and you may use the other bedroom."

Her cup rattled against the saucer and sloshed tea over the side. "I'd prefer the sofa, thank you, Mr. DuMont." She set the drink down as she tried to exorcize thoughts of occupying the big bed with Malcolm from her mind before she made a complete fool of herself.

"Enough of the 'Mr. DuMont,' please. My name is Malcolm, or Mal if you prefer. Mr. DuMont is far too formal for our circumstances. Besides, it makes me think of Eldon and I really don't care to think about him right now."

Bree nodded. "As you wish, Malcolm. You may call me Bridget."

"I thought I heard Mother call you Bree?"


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

"Well, yes. That's what my friends and family call me," she replied.

He laughed. "And I am not to call you Bree, I take it?"

She couldn't help the impish smile that turned up the corners of her mouth. "Not at this time."

He snorted, giving her the distinct feeling he wouldn't tolerate her mandate for very long.

Mr. Cave returned shortly with the linens. Malcolm stood to allow him to turn the sofa into a bed. After the steward left, Malcolm began pacing again. Bree watched, thinking of a tiger she'd seen once in a circus cage. They both showed the same sinewy grace and single-minded intent.

He halted and she dropped her gaze before he caught her staring. "I'll return shortly, Miss Barry. I think I'll see if I can find my stepfather and let him know of the new arrangements. I'll ask the steward to keep a close eye on the suite. I don't like to think about you and Mother being on your own here."

Before she responded, Malcolm strode purposefully out of the room then paused with the door half closed. "Lock the door behind me Bree, and the one to the adjoining room as well, if you please." She nodded somberly, not wanting to read too much into his concern.

She flipped the latch behind him then did the same to the door into Eldon's chamber. The sudden silence in the suite became oppressive and Bree experienced a twinge of disappointment she would no longer be sparring with Malcolm. She knew it would be more restful without him 76

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

watching her every move with those magnetic eyes, but still...

As she flounced into the chair and took up her sewing, her lips curled in a fiendish grin as she considered what might happen to Eldon if Malcolm caught up with him while in a temper. Eldon was a big man, but going to fat, while Malcolm was just as big and didn't appear to have a soft spot on him.

Not in those broad shoulders, or narrow waist, or long legs.

She chastised herself. It wasn't the least bit proper for her to have such intimate thoughts about a man she'd met only a few days ago. Oh, but he was quite a magnificent specimen of manhood!

* * * *

The clock on the mantle chimed half-past eleven, startling Bree. She glanced up in surprise. Surely it couldn't be so late?

With dismay, she realized she'd never sent word to Mr.

Thorpe that she would be staying to help Mrs. DuMont. It Copyright 2016 - 2024