An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,20

and peaceful in sleep. She left the door open a few inches and went back to her chair. Malcolm paced the room, his agitation palpable.

"She's resting now. The doctor gave her something to help the pain. I think she'll sleep for several hours," Bree said, avidly watching his long fingers scrub through glossy curls at the nape of his neck.

Malcolm's shoulders slumped and he closed his eyes, but Bree saw a muscle ticking in his jaw and knew anger seethed just beneath the surface. If he knew how his mother was injured, Eldon likely wouldn't enjoy their next meeting.

Malcolm confirmed her deduction as he issued a muffled oath, followed by detailed descriptions of several rather violent things he intended to do to his stepfather when he got his hands on him. He stopped pacing and glanced over at her.

He noticed her wide eyes and slack jaw and gave her a sheepish look.

"I beg your pardon, Miss Barry. I've let my emotions run amok. Thank you for helping Mother. She speaks very highly of you. It's been difficult since her maid quit before we left Southampton. I don't believe Mother was particularly fond of 69

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Eleanor, since Eldon hired her without giving Mother any input, but they did eventually get to know each other's habits and such. It's clear she already thinks a great deal of you."

Bree smiled and nodded her thanks. Her smile faltered as Malcolm's deep blue eyes grew more intense, as though trying to read her thoughts. She quickly bent her head and focused on the dress in her lap. Should she comment on Elizabeth's injuries? It really wasn't her place. She wanted him to keep talking. She liked listening to his voice, liked having him near, even though it caused her to breathe too quickly. She didn't want him to notice, to wonder what it meant.

A muffled thump from the hallway startled her. Bree's gaze flicked to the door. The thought of Eldon walking in caused her heart to skip a beat. When the portal remained closed, she sucked in a breath and relaxed. As difficult as she found it to ignore the fact she was alone with Malcolm, she much preferred it to the prospect of being alone with Eldon.

"I hope you don't mind," he said, "but I think I'll stay a bit longer, to make sure Mother's sleeping comfortably."

Bree scrutinized Malcolm's expression, searching for a hint of his intentions. He stood in the middle of the room, feet apart, hands on hips, like a Greek god from the mythology lessons that had been part of her education at the Rothberrys. The sight gave her a strange flutter in her belly

... and lower. She bit her lip in consternation.

Malcolm noticed her stare and mistook its meaning. He motioned to the connecting door. "If you prefer, I can remove 70

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

to Eldon's room. Somehow I don't think we'll be seeing him for the rest of the night. But if I do, that would be fine too."

Bree was torn. Having him close kept her on tenterhooks, and she was succumbing to a strong attraction despite her attempts to the contrary. She tried to convince herself it was just worry about being alone if Eldon returned that made her want Malcolm to stay, and nothing to do with how he made her insides feel all fluttery and warm.

He was well within his rights to stay near his mother.

Besides, they weren't technically alone together. It would be quite proper. Bree managed a casual shrug and said, "Why would I mind? I certainly understand your wanting to be near you mother."

He grinned at her, deep dimples bracketing his perfect smile. The sudden transformation was devastating. She felt her heart stop, or maybe it just truly started for the first time.

Bree sucked air into her lungs. She'd forgotten to breathe for a long moment as she stared. Malcolm tilted his head and gave her an assessing look. She realized with an embarrassed start that her hungry gaze had gone on far too long. She swallowed and quickly turned to her sewing. Malcolm further tested her composure when he made himself comfortable on the sofa directly across from her.

He tucked a pillow into the small of his back, wriggling until satisfied with the fit. "Since we're going to spend the evening together, we should get to know one another better.

Tell me about yourself, Miss Barry."

Bree slowly raised her eyes and she saw his benign expression of polite Copyright 2016 - 2024