An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,13

have indicated grudging respect, then turned and trotted off.

As he hurried away, Bree shut the door and went back to Elizabeth's side. "He knows the doctor and will fetch her.

Please, won't you lie down?"


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Elizabeth sighed and shook her head, wincing and cradling her ribs with crossed arms. "Oh, my. That does hurt."

"More than a bit, I'd wager." Bree helped the older woman perch carefully on a chair while they waited for the doctor.

"My mother was hurt, er, hurt herself, the same way, and the pain was terrible," Bree said. She couldn't bring herself to tell this sweet woman what had happened after her mother's

"fall." She just knew she wouldn't sit quietly by and watch it all over again.

Since Elizabeth seemed determined to dress for dinner, Bree stepped into the suite's parlor, opened her kit and selected the thread and implements she would need to alter the dress. She spoke over her shoulder. "How long have you and your husband been married, if I'm not being impertinent?"

Elizabeth chuckled softly. "Of course not, my dear. We married three years ago. My first husband, Percy, died seven years ago. It was so sudden. One day he was fine, the next he was gone. Eldon is—was—Percy's older brother. He was such a godsend after Percy died. I don't know how I would have managed the business, and my son just off to university. He courted me quite enthusiastically, asking for my hand several times, but I wasn't ready for another man in my life. Then my business manager disappeared and took quite a lot of money with him. Eldon convinced me, and rightly so, I didn't have a head for business. I needed him to help me, if not for myself, then for my son. It was very inconvenient for him to have to keep running out to The Dell 48

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

to help me or explain the intricacies of business. I was being quite unfair. It's much easier for him now."

Bree bit her tongue. Not a word about love—not for her or for him. It was just easier. Bree flashed on the sound of her own father's patronizing voice ridiculing her mother for thinking herself more capable of handling their financial affairs than he. Bree had never met Elizabeth's husband, but it sounded as if Bree's father could have been Eldon's brother instead of Percy. "What was Percy like? Were he and his brother similar?"

"Dear me, no. Percy was such a quiet, unassuming man.

Kind and patient. He had a way about him. The workers adored him. He knew them all by name and asked about their families. Percy insisted I go with him when he visited the factories. He felt I needed to be involved in the business and planned to have our son take over one day. Eldon is very forceful and outspoken. He likes to 'wade right in' as he calls it, and take action without any assistance or interference from anyone else." She shifted on the chair and winced.

"Is your son with you on this trip to help you with the business?" Bree asked, in an attempt to distract Elizabeth from her injury.

"Oh, yes. He studied business at Harvard so he'd be prepared to handle the company, and he's quite brilliant."

Bree smiled at the motherly bias.

"He's twenty-five but Eldon says the board of directors doesn't think he has enough experience yet to take over the reins. That's why I invited Mal to the continent with us this year. Eldon wasn't very happy when he found out that I ...


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

well that is to say, when I felt up to discussing the details. He said it was to have been our time alone."

Bree knew what she meant was when she finally got up the nerve. "What business are you in?"

"Textiles and garments. The big mills are in Massachusetts and we have smaller ones in several other places. We manufacture ladies' fashions, mostly in New York. We started coming to Europe last year to attend the new fashion shows in France. Mal heard about them from some friends of his.

Eldon wasn't sure at first, but it's been a wonderful idea."

The unknown term intrigued Bree. "What are fashion shows?"

"Several of the large couturiers in France have them. They present their newest designs in a large room. Young women wearing the costumes walk around so we can see how the gowns fit and drape. It's quite marvelous. It helps us know what fabrics and styles Copyright 2016 - 2024