The Unseen - By Alexandra Sokoloff Page 0,62

person or people who erased Leish and the Folger Experiment from Duke’s records … but any one of the new owners could have disappeared the clip files as well—erase the sordid history of the house when he was trying to unload it. Audra could’ve read those before they disappeared.”

He paused. “There’s another explanation, of course,” he said, and maddeningly, waited until she had to ask.


“Leish made up the entire story. Every bit of it. Except for the initial poltergeist report—the police report confirms that.”

She stared at him. “But why would he?”

“Maybe he was testing expectation. For all we know he was just trying to prep his research subjects to anticipate something in the house. He stole the clip files himself to conceal the real and more boring history of the family and started rumors instead, and that invented story became ‘fact,’ and Audra was just parroting back to us what Leish had created as the history of the house.”

Laurel tried to process the idea.

“We may never know,” Brendan said cheerfully. “In any case it’s a fantastic story to tell our own team. Schizophrenia, suicide, possibly murder … poltergeists will be showing up no time.”

Laurel stared out the passenger window into the rushing dark. Beyond the fact that—at least according to classical definition—the history he was rattling off so blithely was more conducive to ghosts than poltergeists, Brendan’s exultant tone deeply disturbed her.

“We can’t really duplicate the experiment, you know,” she said, trying to bring it all back to some level of sanity. “Even if we did know all the details, which we don’t, the original investigation took place soon after there was actual reported poltergeist activity. That was over forty years ago. According to all the literature, poltergeists don’t generally stick around that long.” Then something else occurred to her. “Actually, if we accept the theory that poltergeist activity is caused by human agents, the agent wasn’t there, either. The housekeeper and her family moved out before the investigators moved in.”

“I know. Interesting, isn’t it?” Brendan said. “The family was long gone. And Leish didn’t have his full team until April. What he did was bring his own agents. But clearly he thought something would happen. And it did, didn’t it?”

“Yes, it did. It went totally wrong. Dangerously wrong.” Laurel said, with a growing sense of disbelief.

He laughed. “Mickey, Mickey, you’re classic. You’re believing your own story. What single shred of evidence do you have for any of your disaster scenario? Two students who dropped out of school in the sixties? One who ended up on the street? Do you know how many people end up homeless and in the streets? I have a couple in my own family, if you want to start counting.”

And sometimes they don’t have to be homeless to be lost, Laurel thought, but said nothing.

“But what if there was a good reason to bury it?” she said pointedly.

“Like what?”

She was silent. She had no idea what could go wrong during a poltergeist experiment that wasn’t out of a bad horror movie. Despite her suspicions, she had not been able to come up with any kind of scenario that made sense. And part of her, the L.A. part, was well aware that if a book on poltergeists was commercial, a book about poltergeists and murder, or some other disaster, was moving into bestseller territory.

Brendan picked up her hand and squeezed it, which sent an electric current through her entire body, completely derailing her train of thought. “Don’t go second-guessing this. We don’t even have to know what really happened in the house—that might just taint our impressions. Let’s strive for beginner’s mind.”

Laurel groped for an objection that would make sense. “You really think Dr. Unger will approve a study on how to create a poltergeist? How would we even propose it?”

“We don’t,” he said so grimly she felt a prickle of unease. He must have sensed her reaction because he smiled and took on a lighter tone. “What we propose is to run the original Rhine ESP tests with an emphasis on how personality factors affect results. We administer standard personality tests to study correlations between personality traits and psi scores. In the proposal we’re just running the tests. But really we’re scouting our team.”

Laurel felt an unwanted thrill of enthusiasm. She forced it down. We. Our. Forced pairing again. She reminded herself that it was folly to trust him. But she kept all that to herself.

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